Just me (1919)

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JUST ME treachery of this game. So many people play better their first attempt than they do for years afterwards. Perhaps it is because they don't know the horrors of the game, get all nervous and think themselves out of a lot of shots. So with all the confidence in the world, I walked bravely up and gave that ball such a clean smack that it went sailing through the air, farther than I have ever driven since (and I have been playing now for nearly three years straight) . "My, what a wonderful drive," exclaimed the "lord" ; "if you continue like that, I can't give you a stroke a hole." I didn't know what that meant either, but the thing that worried me was when to use the different clubs in the bag (there were eight in all). Therefore, I sneaked my caddy a couple of shillings and told him to hand me the right club at the right time. Thus 1 played on famously for six holes. On the seventh I drove a rotten ball. "Do you live in London, Lord HaskinSmith?" I inquired as we walked toward the fairway. "No," he replied, "I live in Washington." "Washington! Is that a nice plaice?" I went on. "Well, it's nice enough to be the capital [124]