Just me (1919)

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JUST ME good portion of my stay in Europe. The afternoon of which I speak he had been watching me very intently and it sort of made me nervous, so I cashed in my chips intending to move on to another table. I guess I must have given him a "hunch" because he placed a bunch of gold in my hand and said, "Pardon me, Mademoiselle, but will you please play these for me. It might bring me luck, and I have been losing all afternoon." Well, that was fair enough, besides I had been told that the only "system" on which you can win is to play "other people's money," — by the way, that is a good system as you can't lose at least. Anyway I banked on number seven and it showed. This man who I think was a Frenchman, was all excited, and insisted that I keep on playing for him, so I stuck until evening and played in the most phenomenal luck that I have ever seen. I don't think we exchanged a dozen words the whole afternoon, and I, not knowing the etiquette of gambling, didn't think I was entitled to any of the spoils, but when he cashed in and found himself eighteen thou[141]