Just me (1919)

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JUST ME but just kept on throwing the old sand overboard, which, by the same token, had nearly been exhausted. I could see but little. I felt the rain battering against us and between peals of thunder heard my companion shout "Look up," which I promptly did. The darkness began to fade and I saw we were climbing up into a very bright spot. I wouldn't have been surprised to find that we were going to land on the sun or moon — in fact, nothing could surprise me after this — so I thought "We're up about forty-five hundred feet now." The other one shouted: "If the ballast holds out we can clear this mess." Things were brightening up every moment, and after we had thrown over the last of our sand we were sailing along in a clear bright sky with the terrible hot sun shining upon us. We were going through all the stages of a Turkish bath. The instruments told us we were up five thousand feet. The rain, lightning and thunder were still raging beneath us. "Well, we might as well take it easy," my companion said, "until the storm breaks beneath us — then I will begin to figure how we can get down." Well, it was such a [173]