Juvenile delinquency (1955)

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JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 5 Sec. 2. TJie expense of tlie committee under this resolution, which shall not exceed $125,000, shall he patd from the contingent fund of the Senate by vouchers approved by the chairman of the committee. Sec 3. This resolution shall be effective as of March 1, 1955. RESOLUTION Resolved hy the Su'bcommittce of the Committee on the Judiciary to Study Juvenile Delinquency in the United States, That pursuant to subsection (3) of rule XXV, as amended of the Standing Rules of the Senate (S. Res. 180, 81 Cong., 2d sess., agreed to Feb. 1, 1950) and committee resolutions of the Committee on the Judiciary adopted January 20, 1955, That Senator Estes Kefauver, Demo- crat of Tennessee, and such other members as are present, are authorized to hold hearings of this subcommittee in Los Angeles, Calif., on June 15, 16, and 17, and such other days as may he required to complete these hearings, and to take sworn testimony from witnesses. Signed by Senators Kefauver, Langer, Wiley, Hennings, and Daniel. Mr. BoBo. We also have a communication, Mr. Chairman, from Gov- ernor Kni<^ht which reads as follows: Regret impossible to be with you today, and all the more so because of my deep interest in subjects which committee will discuss extensively. Have asked California Youth Authority to be present and to represent State. As you are aware, California last year, despite its tremendous growth in population, had no increase in juvenile delinquency. The Youth Authority is vested by law to handle this subject at State level. Accordingly I am sure that the committee authority's testimony illuminating and beneficial. Cordially, Goodwin J. Knight, Governor. Chairman Kefauver. I think the mayor will probably be here later, and will either have a message or a personal appearance from the at- torney general of the State, the Honorable Pat Brown, who has also been invited to come and testify. Is there anything else, Mr. Bobo? Mr. BoBO. That is all at this time. Chairman Kefauv^er. Mr. Bobo, who is our first witness? Mr. BoBO. Our first witness is Chief W. H. Parker of the los Angeles Police Department. Chairman Kefauaer. Chief Parker, we are glad to have you with us, and it is good to see you again. Mr. Parker^ Shall I take the oath ? Chairman Kefauver. We don't think we will swear some of the wit- nesses, unless you are going to talk about other people. You might be going to talk about some others. Mr. Parker. I usually do. Chairman Kefauver. I guess it would be better to swear you, then. TESTIMONY OF WILLIAM H. PARKER, CHIEF OF POLICE, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Mr. Parker. First, Senator, the mayor has asked me to convey his respects to you and the committee and has also requested that in my capacity as chief of police of the city of Los Angeles that I am repre- senting liim here today in this hearing. Chairman Kef.vuver. Chief Parker, how long have you been chief of police of Los Angeles? I have been coming out here for some time, and 3'ou have been here a good many years to my knowledge. Mr. Parker. Well, I guess a number of years as chief. I have been chief of police since August 0,1050. Chairman Kefauver. And you have jurisdiction over all of Los Angeles County ?