Juvenile delinquency (1955)

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96 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY they can think. If that day comes, of course, we have lost the coL4 war. Thanks very much. Chairman Ivefavuer. Thank you, Mr. Reagan. We will have about a 5- or 6-minute recess and then carry on about 25 minutes more before lunchtime. (Short recess taken.) STATEMENT OF DR. FREDERICK J. HACKER, CHIEF OF STAFF, THE HACKER FOUNDATION, BEVERLY HILLS, CALIF. Chairman KEFAU^'ER. Dr. Hacker, we know you are a well-known, eminent psychiatrist. I believe you are chief of staff of the Hacker Foundation for Psychiatric Research and Education. Is that correct i Dr. Hacker. Yes, sir. Chairman KE^Au^^ER. Will you tell us a little more about your background, experience, and training? Dr. Hacker. I was born and raised in Vienna, and went to medical school and graduated in Switzerland and had all my postgraduate training in medicine and psychiatry in this country at Columbia Uni- versity, and particularly at the medical clinic at Topeka, Kans. The last 11 years I have had my own clinic here in Beverly Hills. At- tached to it is a psychiatric foundation which is dedicated to research and education. It just so happened this last year our main topic has been juvenile delinquency, the various causes and reasons and forms of expression of it. Right now the committee catches me at the right time, because I am still full of a whole year of discussion of it. As a result of that, I made only a very small, short statement. Otherwise I would have to give a series of seminars. I don't want to impose to such an extent, so I made just a very short statement about what I consider to be the main points of the situation at the moment. Chairman Kefau^'er. Dr. Hacker, do you wish to read your state- ment or file your statement and speak orally ? Dr. Hacker. Well, psychiatrists are usually much better in answer- ing questions and arguing on whatever it may be. But if you want me to read this very short statement, it will just take 2 minutes. Chairman Kefauver. You read your statement, Doctor. Dr. Hacker. Social scapegoating attempts to single out the modern media of mass communication—movies, television, comic books, and so forth—as the main culprits responsible for all that ails the world. Obviously, no such simple cause-and-effect relationship exists. In the intricate pattern of modern society, every so-called effect is pro- duced by innumerable related causes and itself gives rise to manifold other effects. Therefore, it cannot be stated with any degree of dispassionate scientific accuracy that movies or other mass media cause juvenile delinquency, but innumerable clinical observations prove that they not only describe but often contribute to, or at least shape the content of, criminal activity. Movies, as a whole much more adult and restrained than television or comic books, show awareness of social responsibility by voluntary submission to a code. This expresses the basic conviction that even