Juvenile delinquency (1955)

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132 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Mr. Warner. I can only answer that by "Why do yon beat your ■wife V' It is the same thino;. Yon must be living- in a backwoods conntry, boy, because everybody is smoking and drinking nowadays in some form. Yon drink water or something. A Spectator. But not excessively. Mr. Warner. But you have to drink Chairman Kefatwer. All right. Thank you very much, Mr. Warner. STATEMENT OF JERRY WALD, EXECUTIVE PRODUCER, COLUMBIA STUDIOS, HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. Mr. Jerry Wald. What is your address, IVIr. Wald? Mr. Walid. Address or where do I work ? Chairman Kefauver. Where do you work ? Mr. Wald. I work—I am an executive producer at Columbia Studios. Chairman Kefauver. You are an executive producer? Mr. Wald. Yes. Chairman IvEFALn^ER. All right. ]Mr. Bobo, do you want to ask any questions? Mr. BoBO. We have a background statement of Mr. Wald. Chairman Kefauver. You have been a radio editor, you have publislied books and various magazine articles. Produced short subjects for KKO and made eight radio shorts for Warner called Rambling 'Round Radio Row. You have written scenarios and have produced a number of pic- tures, some of which are Task Force, Storm Warnings, Blue Veil, Clash By Night, Lusty Men, Miss Sadie Thompson. Mr. Wald. That doesn't cover it. Senator. I have been producing pictures and writing them for about 2H years. Among the pictures that I have been directly connected with in the production end were two pictures in this investigation. One was Caged, mentioned by Dr. Frym, and Johnny Belinda, which I understand was discussed this morning. Now, what amazes me is that anybody would single out Johnny Belinda, because some person saw the film and raped a girl. The seeds for this destructive force were in this man obviously much before he saw the picture. But nobody here apparently took time out to recognize the force for good that this picture did. This pic- ture dealt with the problems of the mutes all over the world. We found it did an innneasurable amount of good, because it gave a better understanding to the world and to audiences of the problems of the mutes all over the world. On Caged, this was a picture I made at Warner's as a producer. We were very much concerned about the problem of the criminal code in California which allowed first oli'enclers to be thrown into the same cell with second, third, and fourth offenders. The picture was made with the cooperation of the penal authorities. We tried to point out the damage being done by allowing any person to be thrown into the same cell—a person Avho basically may have been a hrst-time offender, to be thrown into a cell and meet up with