Juvenile delinquency (1955)

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JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 161 Mr. White, My judgment is the final judgment as to wliether each piece coming through separately does, in my opinion, reasonably meet the requirements of the code, yes, sir. Mr. BoBO. It is set forth under the code at No. 11, for instance: Nudity with meretricious purposes and salacious postures shall not be used; and clothed figures shall not be represented in such manner as to be offensive or contrary to good taste or morals. Eecently has there been an increase in the amount of sex-type advertising, which has been received by the code arministration? Mr. White. I have no figures. I don't think there has been any material increase. There may possibly have been a few more pictures in that category. Tliere certainly have been a few more pictures in the crime and violence category, of course, the advertising reflects it. I see a great many of these displays on pictures which would be called crime and violence stories [indicating]. Mr. BoBO. Mr. White, in the event you should disapprove of a cer- tain piece of advertising, is it taken back and resubmitted to you for flnal approval? Mr. White. That is what we always hope will be done. Very, very rarely there will be something come through which we feel is irrevo- cably unacceptable. That is a very, very minute fraction of 1 percent. Most of the material is corrected and resubmitted and approved. Chairman Kefauver. You said you hoped that would be done. That seems to express some idea it is not done occasionally. Mr. White. Well, sir, this is a human endeavor. It is a very dif- ficult thing. We do not operate an arbitrar^^, complete authority where we can be dictators. We counsel, we advise. Once in a while someone doesn't want to take our advice. Chairman Kefauver. If they don't take your advice, what happens, do they go on and put their advertising out anyway ? Mr. White. Very, very rarely. I was sort of smiling at that. I didn't want to make a 100 percent statement. Because it came up yes- terday, I would like to tell you, if I may, about the ad over here on Hell's Island, which was criticized. The vice president in charge of the studio out here said he didn't like it. I don't know what he objected to particularly. There are two pieces of art work there. There is a reclining figure in which the girl is covered, and also a figure of a girl in a bathing suit. Now, this girl in the bathing suit is wearing a costume much more modest than a great amount of the material we see in magazine and newspaper illustrations, of bathing suits. I didn't like the way they approached this campaign. I objected to it. And I was called over to the Paramount office in a conference with the advertising manager, the director of advertising publicity, who was a vice president, and the executive vice president of the company. They felt and insisted that what they were doing was perfectly all right. My judgment can be wrong in one direction as well as an- other. I made the comparison with being an umpire. You try to call balls and strikes and you can be wrong either way. I suppose I am wrong as often in my judgment as any other human being is. I didn't like this, but they insisted upon using it and I finally allowed myself in this case to be persuaded