Juvenile delinquency (1955)

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JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 167 Mr. BoBO. The Blackboard Juno;le copy ad there, do you think those scenes depicted in that one particular drawing there clearly represents the story of that picture ? Mr. White. I think they are fairly representative of the story of that picture. The illustration at the top has been criticized. I think I have heard three criticisms of it, specific criticisms of that particu- lar ad. That is a stylized drawing of a scene which admittedly is only a short scene in the picture. But it is a drawing which typifies, which illustrates the general situation of these boys in this school, their atti- tude, their character and, in my judgment, and I still say in my judg- ment today, as w^ell as my judgment Avhen I passed on it, I think it is permissible and should be permitted if the picture is permitted. I w^ould pass it again today, yes, sir. Mr. BoBO. And the rape scene in the movie shown in every acl of the Blackboard Jungle scene ? Mr. White. Not every ad, but most of them. Mr. BoBO. I would say a great proportion of the ads of the Black- board Jungle. Do you think the emphasis on the sexual angle, the illicit, the illegal sex, and the rape scene is a justified advertisement for a picture wdiich is supposed to portray the school system of the United States ? Mr. White. There are several things I could say about it. I am not sure the uninformed person, looking at this picture, would know it was a rape or attack of any kind, a murder or robbery, or anything else. Which reminds me of the mention made yesterday of the picture of Johnny Belinda of several years ago. That was a classic example in our office. That was a story of a rape attack on a girl. The illustration which became the basis of most of the advertising was a picture in which a man was approaching this girl in a menacing way, somewhat along this order. He wasn't touching her. His hands were grasping for her throat. I wrote back a letter of congratulations to the company on the way they handled it, because they had an illustration w^hich was suitable to the picture, and yet they didn't specify it was a rape. It was an attack of some kind coming upon this w^oman. It w^as adequate, it was dramatic, but it was not specific to the point of being offensive. This ad, I think, has a little of that cjuality. I submit no one who doesn't know the story of Blackboard Jungle would know that this is a rape. They wouldn't know what it is. Suppose it is rape? That scene in the picture w^as a scene which, in my judgment, motivated much of the action which followed. So, in my judgment, it was one of the key scenes of the picture. So whether we passed on it or not simply got itself down to a question of whether the presentation itself of the illustration was acceptable or whether it was offensive. If we had considered it offensive, we w^ould have said, "No." Mr. BoBO. In the Prodigal ad, which is admittedly the front cover, but wdiich portrays some of the black and white ads we have seen—— Mr. White. As to color, I don't wish to leave any niisleading im- pression. This illustration will be seen in a number of itenis, but not exactly that w^ay, and that is the principal cover but the illustration will appear.