Kalem Kalendar (1911)

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JVHAT EXHIBITORS SAY of Kalem Picture Plays All Kalems go well here. Hippodrome, Williamson, W. Va. Keep up the good work. Alhambra, Utica, N. Y. Your pictures are in great demand. Dreamland, Shreveport, La. Your western subjects are very fine. The Avon, Cincinnati, Ohio. "The Kalem” is what takes in my show. Theatorium, Wilburton, Okla. We wish we could have a Kalem every day. Family, Forest City, Pa. Your subjects are fine. We like Miss Joyce. Lyric, Ashtabula, Ohio. We feature all the Kalems. They bring great results. Edna, Spanish Fork, Utah. All of your Irish subjects have brought big business. Electric, San Francisco, Calif. We run all of your pictures. My patrons think them fine. Green’s, Indianapolis, Ind. Congratulations on your output, which is second to none. Park, Newark, N. J. We run nearly all of your pictures and like them very much. Casino, Ware, Mass. Our patrons demand Kalem pictures in preference to others. Webster, Long Island City, N. Y. Your “Railroad Raiders of ’62” made the greatest hit of any film ever shown in this theatre. Keeney’s, New York City. "The Colleen Bawn” was the biggest hit, financially and artistically, I have ever presented. Jose, San Fran:isco, Calif. Page four