Kalem Kalendar (1911)

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4 Kalem Company — The International Producers. NEWS ITEMS of the KALEM COMPANIES 'T' HE Kalem Company, which for the -*■ past two months has been located in Luxor, Egypt, is now visiting Cairo, where some special productions are being made. It was the original plan for this company to journey over to the Holy Land on March ist, but the recent hostilities incident to the Italian-Turkish War have made it impracticable for the expedition to follow the anticipated schedule. However, the delay will be only temporary and meanwhile director Olcott is overlooking no opportunities for spectacular subjects in Cairo. He informs us that arrangements have been made to take the party across in a sailing vessel, in the event that the restrictions regarding traffic are continued. Thirty days are required to bring a shipment from the Upper Nile to New York City and several negatives, made in Egypt, are now on the way. You may therefore expect an announcement at any time regarding the first feature subject made by the Kalem Company in the Orient. A /I ANY citizens of New Orleans have become interested in the operations of the Kalem Company located on the Bayou St. John, and it is not an uncommon thing for Mr. LeSoir, director in charge, to be visited by prominent people of the city, who are anxious to lend their co-operation. The Kalem players at that point have already become quite popular and the director experiences no difficulty in securing an abundance of authentic wardrobe, old furniture and properties for his productions. A/I ISS ANNA NILSSON, leading lady of Kalem’s Jacksonville, Fla., Company, is learning to be a daring aviator. She has already made six successful flights, under the direction of a skilled aeronaut, and she will soon be featured in a novel production, based upon a romance of the air. The intrepidity which Miss Nilsson has displayed along other lines, assures the success of her new venture. A/f ISS JANE WOLFE, the versatile Kalem player with the Glendale, California Company has won new laurels as an extraordinary character actress. In “The Secret of the Miser’s Cave,” announced in this issue, you will have further evidence of this artist’s protean ability. She takes the part of an enfeebled old miser and so complete is her make-up and so striking her acting that her most intimate friends will be unable to recognize her. In fact when the Kalem office received the production from Glendale and was advised that Miss Wolfe had enacted the part of the miser, the first thought was that a mistake had been made, but a telegram to California brought back a message of confirmation. It will be well for the many admirers of Miss Wolfe to keep this fact in mind; otherwise they will never be able to establish the identity of Pinto, the miser. T N this issue two spectacular Civil War dramas are announced, “The Tide of Battle” and “War’s Havoc.” These sensational feature productions well sustain the season’s series, of which “The Battle of Pottsburg Bridge” and “A Spartan Mother,” were the forerunners. As Kalem’s striking Egyptian and Holy Land subjects will soon be announced, the exhibitor may be assured that demanding a Kalem from his exchange is to secure a feature.