Kalem Kalendar (1911)

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8 Kalem Company— The International Producers. A Coming Feature EE THE INDIAN UPRISING AT SANTA FE. Released Saturday, Dec. 21st THE enterprising Board of Trade of Santa Fe, New Mexico, wishing to commemorate the most important event in the history of that famous city, interested Kalem in sending a special company to that place and producing in a thorough and artistic manner the stirring events of 1680 and 1692. This production, which abounds with sensational episodes, presents the largest body of genuine Indians ever assembled for a motion picture, and the grandeur of the Santa Fe scenery offers a striking background. CAST OF CHARACTERS Governor Don Antonio de Otermin COL. C. PRYCE Captain Gomet; CARLYLE BLACKWELL Padre Duran ARTHUR TAVARES pODe LORENZO, a San Juan Indian Jaca. KNUTE RAHMN Maria, Lis daughter MONA KNOLL juan MAE MARSH Governor Don Diego de Vargas CARLYLE BLACKWELL Padre Corvero.... WILLIAM H. WEST Captain Roque de Madrid GEORGE ARMIJO Maria MONA KNOLL Tuan?.' .' . .' . . .' . . .' MAE MARSH Domingo, chief of Santa Fe EMILIO, a San Juan Indian Special one, three and six-sheet, four-color lithographs for this headliner.