Kalem Kalendar (1915)

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24 Kalem Company — The International Producers. CORNELIUS AND THE WILD MAN A Comedy Burlesque CAST liosco, the wild man JOIIN PRESCOTT Cornelius, a farmer JOSEPH SINGLETON Mandy, his wife ETHEL TEARE Released Tuesday, January 19th WHEN Bosco, a wild man, escapes from a circus sideshow, the terrified community offers $I00 for his capture. Cornelius is on his way to the village with a load of eggs, when he is captured by Bosco. The farmer manages to escape and relates his adventures to the people in the village. Upon his return home, Cornelius tells the story to Mandy, his wife. The smell of hard cider on her husband’s breath fills Mandy with suspicion and she (On the A NIGHT IN llesanut, KalEm’s cartoon comedian, learns that lions, tigers and wildcats are tame housepets compared to the ordinary, everyday variety of the Jersey 'skeeter. beats him with a buggy whip. Cornelius flees, only to be captured a second time, by Bosco. Mandy, searching for her husband, comes upon the wildinan. Unafraid, she tackles that individual and makes him a prisoner. The woman takes him to town while her husband trails along. While she is collecting the reward, Cornelius tells of how he captured Bosco. Mandy happens along during his recital — and once more poor Cornelius flees from the buggy whip. me reel) NEW JERSEY One of the mosquitoes which gets on Hesanut's trail, is equipped with skeleton keys, augers and other tools which enable him to enter any room. Your patrons will enjoy this animated cartoon.