Kalem Kalendar (1915)

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Kalem Company — The International Producers 31 AN ENEMY OF MANKIND The First Two-Act Episode of the “STINGAREE” Series By E. W. Hornung, Author of “Raffles” CAST Irving Randolph, later known as “Stingaree” TRUE BOARDMAN Robert, his worthless brother WILLIAM BRUNTON Their mother JANET RAMBEAU Ethel Porter, Irving’s fiancee Mr. Kelton His flirtatious wife John Kent Howie, Stingaree’s partner Producer, James W. Horne IRVING RANDOLPH pleads in vain with his younger brother, Robert, in his effort to get the boy to cease his extravagance. Petted and pampered by their mother, Robert continues in his profligate habits. The boy engages Mrs. Kelton in a violent flirtation. In spite of Kelton’s warning, his wife continues to meet Robert. Later, the husband finds the two lunching together in a gay restaurant. Irving appears upon the scene in time to save Robert from Kelton’s anger. The elder brother, however, thereby diverts the husband’s anger to himself. All London soon learns the story which has been distorted so as to make Irving the culprit. The young man finds himself ostracised. Even Ethel Porter, MARIN SAIS FRANK TONASSON OLLIE KIRKBY EDWARD CLISBEE PAUL C. HURST Released Wednesday, November 24th his sweetheart, turns from him in contempt. Later, Irving attends a week-end party where an unpleasant scene occurs when he meets Kelton face to face. Irving’s only friend is Kent. Together with the latter and Robert, the young man tries his skill at rifle shooting. Pate directs Kelton’s footsteps towards the target and the man is accidentally slain by Irving. Perceiving an opportunity to wrest from his brother, the control of the Randolph estates, Robert denounces him as a deliberate murderer. Despite the promptings of his own conscience, Irving heeds Kent’s advice and flees. Months later, Australia is terrorized by a bandit, who calls himself “Stingaree,” and his partner, Howie. The next adventure of these two will be released Wednesday, December ist. Be sure to get the 1, 3 & 6-Sheet Lithographs for this Episode