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Kinematograph year book (1929)

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Trade Organisations. 151 U, To arrange and promote the adoption of equitable forms of contracts and 'cither documents used in the said trade, and to encourage and promote the settlement of disputes by conciliation or arbitration, and to act as or nominate arbitrators and umpires on such terms and in such cases as may seem expedient and to assist in the formation, development and maintenance of Boards of Conciliation and Arbitration. (g) To make, from time to time, investigations into, or furnish assistance and advice as to, any conditions affecting the said trade, or in connection with any particular business either for the Association or for, or to, any member thereof, and in the latter cases (if thought fit) to charge and. accept such remuneration as may be expedient. (h) To retain or, from time to time, to employ skilled professional or technical advisers in connection with, or for the purposes of carrying into effect, the objects of the Association, and pay therefor such fees or remuneration as may be thought expedient. (?) To procure information for the members of the Association as to the standing and responsibility of parties with whom they propose to transact business, and to collect and disseminate among the members of the Association statistics and other information on all matters affecting the Association or the members thereof, or the said trade, and to print, publish, issue, and circulate such papers, periodicals, books, circulars, and other literary matter as may conduce to any of these objects, and in particular, and without prejudice to the scope or effect of the preceding provisions of this paragraph, to acquire by purchase or otherwise or to establish a trade journal or any other similar journal or journals, for the promotion of the trade interests of the members of the Association, and to print and publish any such journal or journals as aforesaid, and also to compile, print, publish, issue and circulate an annual directory of manufacturers and/or publishers, and other persons and/or corporations engaged in the said trade, whether members of the Association or not. (7) To establish, form, and maintain a library and collection of literature, statistics, and information relating to the said trade, or to matters of interest to members thereof, and to compile, collect, publish, lend, and sell, and endeavour to secure, or contribute to, the compilation, collection, and publication by Parliament, Government Departments, and other bodies or persons of any literature, statistics and information, and to permit the same to be used by members of the Association. (&) To undertake, or assist financially, or otherwise, in promoting or opposing, litigation or to obtain legal advice in any cases affecting the Association or the interests of the members thereof, in connection with the said trade, so far as may legally be done, and without infringing the rules of law against maintenance and champerty and in particular and without prejudice to the preceding provisions of this paragraph, but always so far as may legally be done, and without infringing the rules of law against maintenance and champerty, to undertake or assist financially or otherwise in the suppression or prevention of infringements, piracies, or duplications of copyrights, or other interests in kmematograph films, or subjects for the same or of violation of any property, right, or interest whatsoever of any member of the Association manufactured, published, acquired, used or dealt with in connection with the said "trade. (/) To encourage the discovery of, and investigate and make known the nature and merits of inventions and processes which may seem capable of being used by members of the Association for any of the purposes of the said trade, and to acquire any patents, or licences, relating to any such inventions or to acquire any copyrights or other interest in kinematograph films or any ofher property of whatsoever nature with a view to the use thereof by the members of the Association and others, either gratuitously or upon such terms as may seem expedient. (m) To establish, subsidise, promote, co-operate with, receive into union, become a member of, act as, or appoint trustees, agents or delegates for, control, manage, superintend, afford financial assistance to, or otherwise