Kinematograph year book : 1931 (1931)

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284 The Kinematograph Year Book. ♦J»n— .n ii«^— II 11^—11 ii^^ii II^i^^bII II— !i ii^^ii n—^ii n— u»2> : PRINTERS I TO REMEMBER I F R O :\I JANUARY TO DECEMBER! i WILLSONS THE CINEMA PRINTING SPECIALISTS, f PRINT AND SUPPLY I EVERYTHING FOR THE EXHIBITOR AND RENTER. 1^" POSTERS Blanking, Slips, Streamers SHOW FRAMES Lobby Display Cards, Paste Cans & Brushes TICKETS in Rolls or Books, Ticket Boxes, Pass-Outs HERALDS Handbills, Novelties, Cut-Outs, Programmes SYNOPSIS Trade Show Invitations, Agreements, etc. Weekly Printing a Speciality TRY US FOR HAND PAINTED POSTERS Any Size • Expert Design • Speedy Delivery ALWAYS SOUND ON FILM printing. I Branch ]Vorks : '' MOUNT STREET I NOTTINGHAM I Phuiic: NOTTINGHAM 40074. Wires : 'Priiiteries, Nottingham.' HeadOFfice&Works : KING STREET LEICESTER Pli.jiie: LEICESTER 2\2\X Wires : '■ Streamers, Leicester. City Office: \ GLOUCESTER MANSIONS ' CAMBRIDGE CIRCUS LONDON I W.C.2 Phone: TEMPLE PAR | 5.326, ♦>n H a^^n a •» ll« Ml u^— -u ii^^n n-^ii ii^^nt>T«