Kinematograph Year Book 1942 (1942)

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252 The Kinematograph Year Book. has been responsible for the preparation of much material which has found its way into legislation for the better regulation of the Trade. Address: 127, Wardour Street, W.i. Phone: Gerrard 7311. B. T„ S. Gamble. Apprenticed to electrical engineering with B.T.-H. at Rugby ; served successively with the English Electric Company and with Courtalds, Ltd., Coventry. In January 1927 joined Micklewright, Ltd., as manager, and in July 1935 became associated with F. H. Pride, Ltd., the well-known lighting specialists, as director of switchgear department. Member of the Society of Illuminating Engineers and of the B.K.S. Address : 69-81, High Street, Clapham, S.W.4. Phone : Macaulay 2281. W. F. Garling. Born 1903. First associated with the development of talking picture apparatus in January 1927, in the laboratories of the General Electric Company, Schenectady. Joined the engineering department of RC*Y, N.Y., April 1928. Transferred to RCA Photophone, Ltd., London, October 1929. Appointed chief of reproducer engineering, June 1930 ; in May I935. appointed manager of th« engineering and service department. Hon. member Guild of British Kinema Projectionists and Technicians. S.M.P.E., B.K.S. , B.F.I. Addresses: 235, Imperial Drive, Rayners Lane. North Harrow ; .and 20, Blythwood Road, Pinner. Phones: Pinner 5643-4, and Pinner 5447. W.J. Ge!l,C.S.E. First joined the Gaumont Company in 1910, in which Company he occupied various positions until appointed Joint General Manager in 1922. In March, 1928, elected to the Board of Directors, to the Gaumont Company as Joint Managing Director, becoming sole Managing Director in March, 1929. In September, 1933, he resigned his position with the Gaumont Company and also the seat he held on the boards of the following companies : — British Acoustic Films, Ltd. ; International Acoustic Films, Ltd. ; Gainsborough Pictures (1928), Ltd. ; Film Clearing Houses, Ltd. and Denman Picture Houses, Ltd. On November i, 1933, he was appointed Managing Director of Pathe Pictures, Ltd., and to the Board of British Instructional Films, Ltd.. and Pathe Equipment, Ltd. In i9?9 New Year's Honours was awarded the C.B.E. Clubs: R.A.C. and City Livery. Addresses: Film House, Wardour Street, W.i ; 19, Park Lodge, St. John's Wood Park, N.W.8 ; and Scarlet Oaks, Camberley, Surrey. Phones : Gerrard 4314 and Primrose 4990. Harold S. Gent. Born 1892. Educated Wesley College and King Edward VII School, Sheffield. Articled to a Chartered Accountant, but before completion of Articles joined the 12th (Sheffield) Bn. York & Lancaster Reg., gazetted to the South Staffs. Regt. Saw active service in Gallipoli, Egypt, France ; on demobilisation went into the furnishing business until 1926 when renting had a call. Been actively associated with the Coliseum, Spital Hill, Sheffield, since 1913. Elected to the Sheffield City Council November 1935 and re-elected unopposed, 1938. Chairman, Sheffield & District Branch C.E.A., 1938-40. Address: 12, Kenbourne Road, Sheffield, 7. Phone : Sharrow 51456. E. Harry George. Born in 1904 in Edinburgh. Educated at Ampleforth College and Edinburgh University. Qualified as Writer to the Signet. On formation of London Film Productions, Ltd., was appointed Secretary of that company and continued in that capacity until 1937. Resigned on appointment as a director of the company. Other directorships include : D. and P. Studios, Ltd., Denham Securities, Ltd. and Omnia Films, Ltd. Addresses : 32, Marlborough Place, St. John's Wood, N.W.8, and Denham Studios, Denham, Middlesex. Phones: Maida Vale 4147 and Denham 2345. Aveling Ginever. Born 1898. Educated at Harrow. Formerly ournalist. Entered Industry 1928, with British Talking Pictures, Ltd. Founded own production company, Gee Films, Ltd., 1931. Writer, director, producer. Managing director Gee Films, Ltd., Liveryman, Stationer's Company. Club: Junior Constitutional. Address: Riverdene, Oatlands Drive, Weybridge, Surrey. Phone : Walton-on-Thames 2284. Edward Godal. Born 1889. Educated at Goldsmiths' College, University of London. Entered film industry 1916. Purchased the old-established British and Colonial Kinematograph Co., Ltd., with studios at Walthamstow, in 1918, of which he became Chairman and Managing Director later. Now Chairman and Managing Director of British Fine Arts Pictures, Ltd., for which he directed and produced "Chips," now being distributed by that Company, and the " Passing Show" series. He is also Managing Director of Mobile Cinema Services, Ltd., exhibitors of 16-mm. films by mobile kinema units throughout the United Kingdom. Address : Croylands, 14, Upper Brighton Road, Surbiton. Phone : Elmbridge 52 1 1. John Winwood Gossage. Born 1905. Educated Uppingham. Formerly Recording Manager to Decca Records, and later to Peter Maurice Publishing Company. Joined Board of Reunion Films as Director in July 1935. Associate producer for Associated British Productions, " Housemaster," " Jane Steps Out," "Yellow Sands," "Marigold," "Outsider," "The Gang's All Here." Now Officer in R.A.F.V.R. Club : Savage. Address : Saughton Lodge, Cookham Dean, Berks. Isaac Graham. Born at Hull in 1877, receiving his education in that city. A business man with many interest* iii tue commercial life of Sheffield, he at first took up "movies' as a hobby, but since those days has greatly increased his interests in the Trade. In 1914 he became an active director of Premier Pictures, Ltd., Sheffield, and more recently of the Abbeydale Picture House Co., Ltd., and Central Picture House Co. (Sheffield). Ltd. He is also Managing Director of the Palace Picture Theatre, Newark, and the Newark Kinema. Address: — 37, Collegiate Crescent, Broomhall Park, Sheffield. Major Walter Grant. Born in 1879, educated at Mill Hill Houst and University of Birmingham. Qualified in Medicine and Dental Surgery. Entered the