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Kinematograph Year Book 1942 (1942)

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Who's What in the Industry. 253 • ndustry in igog. Founded P.C.T. with th« late Dr. Jupp, and became one of the first Directors. Now with Gaumont British Corporation, P.C.T. and associated companies. < liib : Rcyal Automobile. Address: 31, Hornton Street, Kensington, W.8. Frank Green. Man. Dir. Ace Distributors, Ltd. Address : 66, Wardour Street, W.r. Phone: Gerrard 3165. H. J. Green, J. P. Son of the late George Green and a principal of the well-known Green's circuit of halls. Treasurer of the Scottish Branch since ig3o, and Trustee, of the Scottish C.T.B.F. His recent presidency of the Scottish branch was a popular one, and since then the large amount of hard work put in by him in the interests of exhibitors and the trade generally has been recognised on all sides. The Green circuit, in which he and -his brother are associated, includes the Playhouse. Renfield Street, Glasgow (seating 4,400), the largest kinema in Europe ; Playhouse, Dundee (seating 4,150) ; Playhouse, Ayr (seating 3,300), Playhouse, Wishaw (seating 3,000). Address: Glenard, 13, Beech Avenue, Glasgow, S.r. J. Leslie Greene. Born at Liverpool, has become one of the leading figures in Liverpool film circles. He was educated privately, and entered the journalistic profession, becoming finally managing director of the Liverpool City Press, Ltd. He afterwards entered the film business, and is now chairman of the Hope Hall Cinema, Liverpool, the Ritz Rink and Walton Vale P.H., managing director, Metropole Theatre, Bootle, and Queen's, Hoylake, Chairman, Enterprise (Liverpool), Ltd., Booking Agent for the Victoria Cinema, Liverpool. Chairman and managing director New Carlton Rooms, and was in ig20 made the first president of the Liverpool Kinema Exchange. Club : Liverpool Press Club. Addresses : 7, Elliott Street, Liverpool, W. ; 41, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2, and 128, Nightingale Lane, S.W.12. Phones: Royal (Liverpool) 538, Gerrard 1897, and Battersea 2647 John Grierson. Born Deanstown, N.B., 1898. Educated Glasgow University. Rockefeller Research Fellowship in Social Science 1924-27 and during that time worked at American Universities. Surveyed educational and propaganda film methods in different countries for the British Government. Founded E.M.B. Film Unit and Empire Library, 1930, G.P.O. Film Unit, 1934. Chairman, Film Centre, Ltd. Film adviser to Imperial Relations Trust, etc., 1937-1939 Committee, then Film Commissioner for Canada, 1939-1941. . R. Grove, J.P. Born 1892. Left electrical business in ign, to enter film trade. Joined Navy at outbreak of war, and served until igig, assisting the Fleet Cinema Commission and being responsible for the film and theatrical shows aboard ship. Conducted kinematograph performances for the Allied Fleet Commission of Kiel, H.M.S. Hercules, in 1918. Became proprietor of Kinema House, Uphall, in 1920. Formed first specialised Film Transport Company in Scot land in 1921, and now Managing Director of F.T.S. (Gt. Britain), Ltd. Film Transport Service (North Western), Ltd., Film Transport Services (North and South), Ltd., handling transport of films for over 2,000 theatres, with depots covering the country from Aberdeen to Exeter. Managing Director of Lothian Star Theatres, Ltd. ; Star Theatre (Lochore), Ltd. ; Director of the Grand Picture House, Cambridge Theatre, Astoria Cinema and Seamore, Glasgow, Picture House, Arbroath, Regal and Picture House, Broughty Ferry. J.P. for West Lothian, ig3o. Appointed to Conciliation Board for the Road Transport Industry for Scotland, August, 1934. Address : Inchgarvie House, S. Queensferry. Phone : 349. William Arthur Guy. Born i8go. Entered business life with a firm of brewers 1904-14, then educated by H.M.S. to War conditions 1914-igig, 1919 engaged by Cinema Traders, Ltd., as book-keeper. 1921, bee ame Secretary of the Company. 1926, joined Board of Directors. On death of W. Engelke, in 1936, appointed managing director with sole control of company. Addresses : Warwick, Savile Close, New Maiden; and 26, Church St., W.i. Phones : Maiden 1058 and Gerrard 5287-8. Philip IYI. Hanmer. Born 1899. Entered exhibiting side of film business as secretary of Regent Enterprises, Ltd., in 1923. Now Managing Director of Regent Enterprises, Ltd., and eighteen kinema companies. Chairman of the Liverpool Committee of the C.T.B.F. and of the Liverpool District Exhibitors Sports Committee. Chairman of the North Western Branch of the C.E.A., 1935. Club: Liverpool Constitutional. Addresses: 5 1 a, Rodney Street, Liverpool, 1, and Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Phone : ( Liverpool), Royal 4452. W. Harcourt. Entered motion picture business 1918 in various capacities from assistant director via laboratories to assistant cameraman, finally graduating to camera. Photographer on many expeditions to remote parts including Tibet, South Sea Islands, South America and Central Africa. In America with Paramount at Long Island Studios. Back in England with Paramount and became make-up editor of British Paramount News, and assisted in inauguration and also make-up Editor of Les Actualites Paramount in France. Joined Denham Laboratories 1936 as Assistant General Manager. Now Laboratory Manager. Member of British Standards Institute Technical Committee CM/2 and CM/6. Addresses: Lal-Koti, Latchmoor Avenue, Gerrards Cross, Bucks ; and Denham, Middlesex. Phones : Gerrards Cross 2950, and Denham 2323. Harry Hargreaves. Born in 1865 at Clitheroe, Lancashire. Took over the management of the Albert Hall and Queen's Market, Morecambe, 180s. converted the Market into a kinema 1920, now called the Palladium. Ran his first picture 1900. Secretary and Treasurer, West Lancashire Branch, C.E.A., Hon. Secretary and Treasurer Morecambe Entertainment Proprietors and Managers Association. A well-known character in the kinema world. Address: Ceair, South Avenue, South Road, Morecambe, Lanes. Phone : Morecambe 43