Kinematograph Year Book 1942 (1942)

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Who's What in the Industry. 269 Albany Ward. One of the pioneers of the Trade, he was born ia London in 1879, and educated at Christ's Hospital. He commenced hiscareerin 1 895, and was one of the first to tour the provinces with pictures. Established his first permanent theatre at Weymouth, in 1906. Managing Director of the following companies : Award Theatres, Ltd.; Salisbury Press, Ltd.; Salisbury Billposting Co., Ltd.; Salisbury Poster Advertising Service, Ltd.; Swindon Poster Advertising Co., Ltd. ; Dorset Poster Advertising Co., Ltd. ; Cotswold Poster Advertising Co., Ltd. ; Hereford and Mon. Advertising Co., Ltd.; Abergavenny and Dist. Billposting Co., Ltd. ; Devon & Exeter Poster Services, Ltd. ; Hawkins & Son, Ltd., advertising contractors, Exeter and all Devon districts ; James Townsend & Son, Billposting and Advertising Department, Exeter; Cinderford and Forest of Dean Billposting Co. ; and is also a director of Albany Ward Theatres, Ltd. Addresses : — Publicity House, Dix's Field, Exeter. A. B. Watts, F 8.A.A. Born in 1886, and was educated at Long Ashton School, Bristol and Cardiff Higher Grade School. He is a director of Splott Cinema Co., Ltd. ; Splott Construction Co., Ltd. ; Luxury Cinema Co., Ltd. ; Utility Patents, Ltd. ; Rumely Cinemas, Ltd. ; Kilbor Cinemas, Ltd. ; etc. Ex-chairman and secretary and now treasurer and delegate of South Wales Branch of the C.E.A. Address : 12, Museum Place, Cardiff. Phone : 2900. Frederick Watts. Started with the old Pathe company in Liverpool on the sales side 29 years ago. After the war came south and took over the preparation and editing of Pathe' Periodicals. Created "Eve's Film Review," discovered "Felix the Cat," started " Pathetone." Produced various novelty features and interest films, such as "Speed" (in conjunction with the late Sir Henry Seagrave), various official films, Pathetone Parades and Reviews, "The House of Windsor." Production supervisor, " Meet My Sister," "Curse of the Swastika," etc. (Pathe). Now production manager, Pathe Pictures, Ltd., executive B.K.S., associate member R.P.S. Addresses: 103-nr, Wardour Street, W.I., and Flat 507, White House, Albany Street, N.W.I. Phones : Gerrard 5701 and Euston 1200 (Ex. 507). James Welsh. Born 1881. Ex M.P. for Paisley. J P. for the City of Glasgow. Long experience of Local Government work. Entered the Industry in 1910 as exhibitor. Managing director Mecca P.H. and director of Kingsway Cinema, Glasgow. Active in C.E.A. since its formation. Two years secretary of the Scottish Branch. PastPresident of the C.E.A. Address: — 1, Endfield Avenue, Glasgow, W.2. Phone : — West 5447. T. A. Welsh. Joined Colonel A. C. Bromhead as junior clerk at the Gaumont Co., in the early days and later became general manager and secretary of the company. In 19 16 was appointed a member of the Government Cinema Committee and organised the distribution of the Official British War Films throughout France. In 1918 founded Welsh Pearson & Co., Ltd., and, in association with George Pearson, produced many notable film successes including "The Better 'Ole," the "Squibs" series, "Love, Life and Laughter," " Nothing Else Matters," etc., etc. Introduced Betty Balfour to the screen. Has always been foremost in any movement to better the British Film Production Industry. His scheme to provide studios and production facilities iD England equal to the best to be found in America, backed by an International Sales Organisation for the exploitation of British films all over the world, was originally propounded at the Glasgow conference of the C.E.A. in 1925 and resulted in the passing of the Films " Quota " Act and the building of the Elstree studios. . In association with Michael E. Balcon produced " Journey's End," by R. C. Sheriff, and "The Good Companions," by J. B. Priestley. Now interested in the work of the C.T.B.F. Address : — 27, Broadfields Avenue, Winchmore Hill, N.21. Phone: Laburnum 3824. A. G. 0. West, M.A., B.Sc. President, British Kinematograph Societv. Born 1897. Educated King's (Canterbury) and Cambridge. Wrangler with Distinction and Research Physicist, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. After service in the Great War became assistant chief engineer and head of research B.B.C., 1923-9 ; head of design and development, Gramophone Co., 1929-32 ; chief recording engineer A.R.P. and A.T.P. studios, Ealing, 1932-3 ; technical director, Baird Television, Ltd., 1933, to present time. Member of B.K.S. since 1931 ; President, 1938-9. Addresses : — Baird Television, Ltd., Lower Sydenham, S.E.26 ; and 34, Elvvill Way, Beckenham, Kent. Phones: Hither Green 4600 and Beckenham 1627. G. Dudley West, F.C.A. Born 1882. Secretary and auditor of a number of kinematograph, theatrical and music-hall companies. Secretary and treasurer of N.W. Branch of the C.E.A. Member of Board of Management Cinematograph Trade Benevolent Fund. Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Chairman, Stockport Hippodrome, Ltd., Winter Gardens (Hoylake), Ltd.; Life Governor Stanley Hospital, Liverpool. Clubs: Chartered Accountants' Golfing Society, Leasowe Golf Club (Captain 1925-26 and 1934-35), Heswall Golf Club (Honorary Life Member). Addresses : — 2, Grove Park, Liverpool, 8 ; and Lloyds Bank Buildings, n-13, Victoria Street, Liverpool, 2. Phones: n 12, Wavertree and 5 71 1 Advance, Liverpool. Aid. R. W. Wheeldon, J. P. Born 1867. Lord Mayor 1932, Sheriff 193 1, Member of the City Council for Kingstonupon-HuIl. Managing director of the following companies: Eureka Picture Hall, Ltd., Hull; Sherburn Picture Hall, Ltd., Hull (controlling Sherburn and Ritz Halls) ; Marble Arch Picture Palace Co. (Beverley), Ltd., Beverley, East Yorkshire. First entered business along with the late William Henry Maggs, in 1911, being vice-chairman of the companies with him until his death in 1924, when he succeeded to the position of managing director. President, Hull C.E.A. Branch. Address : — 95, Swanland Road, Hessle, East Yorks. Phone : Hessle 49579. Tim Whelan. Director, "Thief of Bagdad," "A Date with Destiny," " QPlanes," "St. Martin's Lane," "Ten Days in Paris," "The Divorce of Lady X," "Smash and Grab," " Action for Slander," " Farewell Again," " Mill on the Floss," " Two's Company," "The Murder Man," "The Imperfect Lady," "The Camels are Coming,"