Kinematograph Year Book 1942 (1942)

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506 The Kinematograph Year Book. N AILSWORTH (Glos.), Pop. 3,129. Public Hall Cinhma (Morrison). — Lessee, W. J. Beach. One show nightly. Two on Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone, No. 69. Station, Nailsworth, L.M.S. NANTWIOH (Cheshire), Pop. 7,132. Cosy Super Cinema. — Prop., T. E. Markham Ye Olde Wyche Cinema, Nantwich. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. 400 seats. Booked at Nantwich. Phone, 5338. Station, Nantwich, L.M.S. Ye Olde Wyche Super Cinema (we). — Prop., T. E. Markham. 1,100 seats. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to is. od. Proscenium width, 25 ft. Phone, Nantwicti 5338. Station, Nantwich, L.M.S. NELSON (Lancs.), Pop. 38,000. Alhambra Theatre (we), North Street. — Prop., Brown, Ltd. 600 seats. One show nightly. Three Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to ad. Proscenium width, 20 ft. Stage, 14 ft. deep ; five dressing-iooms. Phone, No. 950. Station, Nelson. Capitol (we), Seldan Street. — Prop., Tivoli Theatre (Nelson), Ltd. 600 seats. Booked at Victory Theatres, Ltd., Accrington. Once nightly. Three shows Sat. Prices, 6d. to ioid. Stage, 25 ft. deep. Three dressingrooms. Phone, 515. Station, Nelson, L.M.S. Grand Theatre (we), Market Street. — Prop., Hartley Cinemas, Ltd., Palace Theatre, Leeds Road, Nelson. Phone 278. 1,502 seats. Booked at H.O. and Manchester, Once nightly. Twice nightly Sat. Daily Mat. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Proscenium width, 31 ft. Phone, Nelson, 566. Station, Nelson, L.M.S. Majestic Theatre (we), Scotland Road. — Prop., Victory Theatres, Ltd. i.iooseats. Three shows daily. Prices, 8d. to is. 'ad. Proscenium width 36 ft. Phone, Nelson 334. Station, Nelson, L.M.S. Palace (we), Leeds Road. — Prop , The Hartley Cinemas, Palace Theatre, Leeds Road. Phone, Nelson 278. 1,460 seats. Booked at Hall. Twice nightly. Pictures and Variety. Prices, 8d. to is. 2d. Proscenium width, 35 ft. Stage, 35 ft. deep ; 12 dressing-rooms. Phone, Nelson 278. Station, Nelson, L.M.S. Queen's Picture Theatre (we), Broad Street. — Prop., Hartley Cinemas, Ltd., Palace Theatre, Leeds Road. Phone, Nelson 278. 827 seats. Booked at H.O. One show nightly. Twice nightly on Sat. Mats. Tues., Fri. and Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Proscenium width, 22 ft. Phone, Nelson 465. Cafe attached. Station, Nelson, L.M.S. Regent Picturedrome (we), Leeds Road. — Prop., Regent Picturedrome Co., Ltd., 845 seats. Booked at Manchester. Once nightly, twice Sat. Mats., Mon., Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 2d. Proscenium width, 25 ft. Phone, Nelson 7. Station, Nelson, L.M.S. Theatre de Luxe (bth), Railway Street.— (Closed.) NE8TON AND PARKQATE (Cheshire). Pop. 8,674. New Cinema (we), Chester Road. — Prop., Paramount Picture Theatres, Ltd., Chesterton, Bridgnorth. Phone, Ackleton 224. 700 seats. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Prices, 7d. to is. 6d. Phone, Neston 190. Station, Neston, L.M.S., or Neston and Parkgate, L.N.E.R. NETHERFIELD8 (Notts), Pop. 0,386. . Cosy Cinema (bth). — Prop., Cosy Cinema (Netherfield), Ltd. Booked by S. Graham, Oxford House, Oxford Street, Nottingham. Phone, 40326/7. Station, Carlton, Notts., L.M.S. NEWARK (Notts), Pop. 18,055. Newark Kinema (bth). — Prop., Newark Cinemas, Ltd. 750 seats. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 4d. to gd. Phone, Newark 40. Station, Newark. Palace (we), Appleton Gate. — Prop., Newark Cinemas, Ltd., National Provincial Bank Chambers, 11, York Street, Sheffield. Phone, Sheffield Central 27421. 1,123 seats. Booked at 37, Collegiate Crescent, Sheffield, 10, by I. Graham. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Proscenium width, 30 ft. Stage, 45 ft. ; 10 dressing-rooms. Phone, Newark 199. Station , Newark, L.N.E.R. and L.M.S. NEWBIQQIN-BY-THE-8EA (Northumb.), Pop. 8,904. W allaw Picture House (bth) . — Prop. , Lawson and Carter. 700 seats. One show nightly. Two changes weekly. Station, Newbiggin-bythe-Sea, L.N.E.R. NEWBRIDGE (Monmouth). Grand (ba). — Prop., Attwood Theatres. 600 seats. Booked at Cardiff. Once nightly. Station, Newbridge, G.W.R. Memorial Hall (rca). — -Prop., Celynan Collieries Workmen. 808 seats. Booked at Cardiff. Once nightly, twice on Sat. Prices, 6d. to is. Large stage, four dressing-rooms. Dance Hall attached. Phone, Newbridge 52. Station, Newbridge, G.W.R. NEW BRIGHTON (Cheshire), MS Wallauy. NEWBURN (Northumb), Pop. 19,539. Imperial Theatre (bth). — Props., Maurice Cinemas, Ltd., Station Road, Newburn. 700 seats. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to iod. Booked at Newcastle. Phone, 74412. Station, Newburn, L.N.E.R. NEWBURY (Berks), Pop. 13,338. Carlton (we). Cheap Street. — Props., Union Cinemas, Ltd., Union House, 15, Regent Street, London, S.W.i. Phone, Whitehall 8484. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Phone, Newbury 91. Films by Road Transport. Forum (we). — Props., Olliver Circuits (Newbury), Ltd., 89, Cornwall Street, Birmingham'. Phone, Central 7145. 1,114 seats. Prices, is. to 3s. Continuous daily from 2 p.m. Two shows on Sun. from 5 p.m Booked by V. J. Oliver, 687, Stratford Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham. Phone, Newbury 1291. Station, Newbury, G.W.R. Fitted "ARDENTE" Deaf AidsSee page 57 Regal Cinema (we), Bartholomew Street. — Props., Union Cinemas, Ltd., Union House, 15, Regent Street, London, S.W.i., Phone, Whitehall 8484. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Cafe attached. Phone, Newbury 410. Station, Newbury, G.W.R. NEWCASTLE ON -TYNE (Northumb). Pop. 283,145. Adelaide Picture Hall (we), 383, Elswlck Road. — Props., Union Cinemas, Ltd., Union House, 15, Regent Street, London, S.W.i. Phone, Whitehall 8484. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Phone, Newcastle 33267. Station, Newcastle (Central), L.N.E.R.