Kinematograph Year Book 1942 (1942)

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Kinema Directory (England). 511 Exchange Cinema (we), 4, The Parade. — Props., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 8080. 1,916 seats. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Mats, daily. Prices, ad. to is. iod. Cafe attached. Phone, Northampton 105. Station, Castle. Fitted "ARDENTE" Deaf Aid* See page 57 Picturedrome (we). — -Props., H. D. Pascoe. Picturedrome. 700 seats. Booked at Cinema de Luxe, Northampton. Twice nightly. Prices, 8d. to is. iod. Proscenium width, 18 ft. Phone, Northampton 628. Station, Castle L.M.S. Plaza (rca).— Props., W. Harris and F. Faulkner, Ritz Cinema, Welford Road, Northampton. Phone, 2512. 602 seats. Continuous. Mat. daily. Prices, 8d. to is. ad. Booked at Welford Road office. Phone 1979. Station, Castle, L.M.S. REGALSuPERCiNEMA(Morrison), Grove Road. — Prop., Mabel Norfolk. 1,000 seats. Continuous. Booked at Hall. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Station, Castle, L.M.S. Ritz Cinema (rca). — Props., W. Harris and F. Faulkner, Welford Road. Phone 2512. 828 seats. Continuous, Castle Station, L.M.S. Roxy Cinema (ba), West Bridge. — Props., Grahams Roxy Cinema (Northampton), Ltd., 1, 300 seats. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Proscenium width, 20 ft. Booked by S. Graham, Oxford House, Oxford Street, Nottingham. Phone, Northampton, 1617. Station, Northampton (Castle), L.M.S. Savoy (we), Abingdon Square. — Props., Associated British Cinemas, Ltd., Golden Square, London, W.i. 2,000 seats. Boked at H.O. Phone, Northampton 3139. Station, Castle Street, L.M.S. Temperance Hall Cinema (Kamm), Newlands — Props., Temperance Hall Cinema Co., Ltd. 634 seats. Booked at London and Birmingham. Continuous nightly. Mat. Fri. and Sat. Prices, 5d. to is. 2d. Proscenium width, 24 ft. Phone, Northampton 779. Station, Castle, L.M.S. Tivoli (rca), Far Cotton. — Props., William Harris and F. Faulkner, Ritz Cinema, Welford Road, Northampton Phone 2512. 832 seats. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to is. gd. Booked at Welford Road office. Phone 2795. Station, Castle, L.M.S. NORTHENDEN (Cheshire), Pop. 3,097. Coronation Cinema (we), Longley Lane. — ■ Props., Exors. of Peter Leigh. 400 seats. Continuous Mon. to Fri. Three shows Sat. Booked at Hall. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to iod. Proscenium width, 22 ft. Phone, Wythenshawe 2286. Station, Northenden, Cheshire R. NORTHFLEET (Kent), Pop. 16,429. Wardona (bth), High Street. — Prop., Wardona Cinema (Xorthfleet), Ltd. 700 seats. Prices, 5d. to is. ad. Booked at H.O., Eveyln House. 62, Oxford Street, W.i. Phone, Mus. 0597, Continuous, Mon. to Sat., Sun, 2.30 to 9 p.m. Roller skating rink attached. Phone, Gravesend 4708. Station, Xorthfleet, S.R., and Road Transport. NORTH 8HIELD8 (Northumberland), Pop. 66,000. Albion Cinema (rca), Albion Road. — Props., Albion Cinema, Ltd. 1,078 seats. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 7d. to is. 3d. Proscenium width, 38 ft. Stage, 21 ft. deep. Four dressing-rooms. Phone, North Shields 498. Station, North Shields. Borough Theatre (ba), Lower Rudyerd Street. — Props., Denman Picture Houses, Ltd. 123, Regent Street, London. W.i. Phone, Regent 6641. 1,440 seats. Booked at H.O. Two shows nightly. Stage, 27$ ft. deep ; four dressing-rooms. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, North Shields 323. Station, North Shield*. Comedy (btp). — Prop., David Hashman, 96, Cauldwell Lane, Monkseaton. Booked at Hall-. 550 seats. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to gd. Phone, North Shields 651. Howard Hall (btp). — Prop, Shipcote Co., Ltd., Shipcote Hall, Gateshead. Phone 72019. 1,119 seats. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Evenings from 5.30 p.m. Mats., Mon., Wed. and Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices , 3d. to 6d. Proscenium width, 30 ft. Phone. North Shields 450. Station, North Shields. Prince's Theatre (we), Russell Street. — Prop., Gaumont British Picture Corpn., Ltd. 1,790 seats. Continuous. Prices, 8d. to is. 6d. Phone, North Shields 999. Cafe attached. Station, North Shields, L.N.E.R. Rex Cinema. Tyne Picture Hall (Fllmophone) . — Prop., Dixon Scott. Twice nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 3d. to 4d. Station, North Shields, L.N.E.R. NORTH WAL8HAM (Norfolk), Pop. 4,137. Regal (bth), New Road. — Prop., V.E.H. Cinemas, Ltd., 45, Dereham Road, Norwich. Phone, Norwich 894. 650 seats. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Twice on Sat. Prices, 7d. to 2S. 3d. Proscenium width, 30 ft. Phone, 115. Films per Norfolk and District Film Transport, Norwich. N0RTHWICH (Cheshire), Pop. 18,728. Pavilion Kinema (rca), Hayhurst Street. — Prop., Cheshire County Cinemas, Ltd. Phone, Runcorn 2291. Booked at Empress Kinema, Runcorn. 700 seats. Continuous from 5.30 p.m. Twice nightly Sat. Mats., Mon., Thurs. and Sat. Prices, 7d. to is. 2d. Phone, Northwich 2188. Proscenium width, 28 ft. Stage, 30 ft. deep. Five dressing-rooms. Station, Northwich, L.M.S. Plaza Kinema (we). — Cheshire County Cinemas, Ltd. Empress Kinema, Runcorn, Cheshire. Phone, 2291. 1,182 seats. Booked at H.O. Continuous from 5.30 p.m. Mats., Mon., Thurs., and Sat. Prices, 7d. to is. 6d. Phone, Northwich 606. Station, Northwich, L.M.S. Regal (we), London Road. — Props., Cheshire County Cinemas, Ltd., Empress Kinema, Runcorn. Phone 2291. 1,059 seats. Prices, 7d. to is. 6d. Continuous from 5.20 p.m. Mon, to Fri. Twice nightly, Sat., Mats., Wed Fri. and Sat. Booked at Empress, Runcorn. Phone 3130 and 313111. Station, Northwich. NORTHWOOD (Middlesex), Pop. 9,000. Rex Cinema (bthi, Xorthwood Hills. — Props., Shipman and King. Temporary war-time H.O., 427, Cecil Chambers, London, W.C.2. Phone, Temple Bar 5077. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Phone, Xorthwood 1644. Station, Xorthwood. Met. Rlv. from Baker Street and L.N.E.R. Tun Ritz (bth), High Street. — (Closed.)