Kinematograph year book (1935)

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Digest of Acts. 173 (2) If any person exhibits a film, or, in the case of a serial film or a series of films, any part thereof, in contravention of this section he shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds for each day on which the film or part has been so exhibited. 6. — (Registration of Films.) — (i) The Board of Trade shall keep a register of films to which this Act applies, and shall enter therein such particulars as may be prescribed ; and the register shall specify whether the film is registered as a British film or a foreign film. Provided that a film which has been exhibited to exhibitors or to the public before the first day of October, nineteen hundred and twenty-seven shall not be registered unless the Board of Trade, after consultation with the Advisory Committee hereinafter mentioned, determine that the registration of the film shall be allowed. (2) The Board of Trade shall publish weekly in the " Board of Trade Journal " lists of the film registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act. (3) An application to register a film shall be made by or on behalf of the maker or renter of the film, and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee, and by such information as the Board of Trade may require, and in particular, where the application is for the registration of the film as a British film, such information as may be necessary to determine whether the film is a British film. (4) An application shall not be a valid application unless the film has been trade shown, ncr if more than fourteen days have elapsed since it was trade shown : Provided that — (a) a provisional application may be made before a film has been trade shown, and in such case on the film being trade shown within six weeks after the lodging of the provisional application, the provisional application shall as from the date of the trade show become a valid application. (6) an application made more than fourteen days after the film was trade shown may be accepted by the Board as a valid application if satisfied that the delay was due to special circumstances and was not intentional. (5) On the registration of a film, the Board shall issue to the applicant a certificate of registration, and the certificate shall state the length of the film and whether the film is registered as a British film or a foreign film. 7. — (Inspection of Register, etc.) — (1) The register of films kept under this Act shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by any person on payment of the prescribed fee, and any person inspecting the register may make copies or extracts from the register. (2) Any person may on payment of the prescribed fee require to be furnished with a copy of any entry in the register certified to be a true copy by an officer of the Board of Trade appointed to keep the register. (3) The registration of a film may be proved by the production of a copy of the Board of Trade Journal, containing a notification of the registration of the film or, of a certificate of registration, or of a certified copy of the entry in the register relating to the film, and a certificate purporting to be a certificate of registration or a copy of any entry purporting to be certified as a true copy by such officer as aforesaid shall in all legal proceedings be evidence of the matters stated therein without proof of the signature or authority of the person signing it. 8. — (Correction of Register.) — (1) If the Board of Trade at any time have reason to believe that the length of a film has been or has become incorrectly registered, or that a film has been incorrectly registered as a British film, they may call for such evidence as they think fit as to the correctness or otherwise of the registration, and if satisfied that the film has been or is incorrectly registered, they shall correct the register and issue an amended certificate of registration. (2) On the issue of an amended certificate, the former certificate shall cease to have effect except that the Board of Trade may in any particular case allow the film to be counted for the purposes of the provisions of Part III. of this Act relating to renters' and exhibitors' quotas as being of the length originally registered, or as a British film, as the case may be. 9. — Power to Require Reference to High Court.) — (r) If any person is aggrieved by the refusal of the Board of Trade to register a film, or to register a film as a British film, or by a decision of the Board to correct the registration of a film, the matter shall, subject to rules of court, be referred by the Board of Trade to the High Court for determination, and the decision of the Court on any such reference shall be final and no appeal shall lie therefrom to any other court. (2) When the person aggrieved is a person whose principal place of business is in Scotland this section shall apply as if the reference to the High Court were a reference to the Court of Session. 10. — (Provisions as to Alterations of the Length of Films.) — -(i) If the length of a film is altered to the extent of more than ten per cent, thereof after an application for registration thereof has been lodged or after the registration thereof, it shall be the duty of the maker of the film or, if at the time of alteration the film has been acquired by a renter, the renter, to send to the Board of Trade notice of the alteration, and if he fails to do so, he shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds. 11. — (Marking of Registered Films.) — (1) On every copy of a registered film there shall be marked in the prescribed manner : — (a) the registered number of the film ; (b) the person in whose name the film is registered ; (c) the registered length of the film ; (d) the words "registered as a British film " or " registered as a foreign film," as the case may be. "The Three Musketeers"— Radio, of course !