Kinematograph year book (1935)

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178 The Kinematograph Year Book. (5) For the purposes ot this section : — The expression " British company " means a company constituted under the laws of any part of the British Empire, the majority of the directors of which are British subjects. The expression " British Empire " includes territories under His Majesty's protection and such (if any) of the territories in respect of which a mandate on behalf of the League of National has been accepted by His Majesty, as His Majesty may from time to time by Order in Council direct shall be treated as if they were included in His Majesty's Dominions for the purposes of this Act. 28. — (Penalties for misrepresentation.) — If any person : — (a) in connection with an application for registration of any film under this Act ; or (b) for the purpose of obtaining a licence under this Act for himself or any other persons ; c r (c) in or in connection with any return required by this Act, or in the record book kept in pursuance of this Act. : knowingly makes any statement or gives any information which is false in ary material particular, he shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds. 29. — (Power of Board of Trade to make regulations.) — •The Board of Trade may make regulations for prescribing anything which under this Act is to be prescribed, and generally for carrying this Act into effect, and in particular may, subject to the consent of the Treasury so far as they relate to fees, by regulations prescribe : — (a) the particulars to be entered in the register ; (6) the form of applications for registration ; (c) the particulars and evidence necessary for establishing the British nature of a film ; {d) the fees to be paid on an application for registration, for an inspection of the registers and for certified copies of the register ; (*) the form of the returns to be made, and of the records to be kept under this Act ; ( / ) the fees to be paid on applications for licences under this Act ; (2) Fees shall be so fixed, and from time to time if necessary be so readjusted, that the aggregate amount produced thereby as from the commencement of this Act up to any date would be approximatelyequal to the expensesincidental to the carrying out of the Act up to the same date, and the fees payable on application for registration and licences shall not exceed those specified in the Second Schedule to this Act. (3) Regulations under paragraph (d) shall provide that the particulars required as to salaries wages and payments shall be certified by an accountant being a member of an incorporated society of accountants. 30. — (Advisory Committee.) — Until the expiration of the quota period for the purpose of advisipg them on the administration of the provisions of this Act, the Board of Trade shall constitute an advisory committee consisting of — (a) two representatives of film makers ; (*) two representatives of film renters ; (c) four representatives of film exhibitors ; (d) five members, of whom one shall be chairman, and including a woman, being persons having no pecuniary interest in any branch of the film industry. The time of office of a person appointed to be a member of the Advisory Committee shall be such period not exceeding three years, as may be fixed at the time of his appointment, but a retiring member shall be eligible for reappointment. 31. — (Institution of Proceedings.)— (1) Proceedings for any offence under this Act may, in England and Wales, be instituted by or on behalf of the Board of Trade, but not otherwise. (2) Any process or notice required to be served on any person for the purposes of this Act, shall if that person is out of Great Britain but has a place of business in Great Britain, be sufficiently served if addressed to that person and left at or sent by post to such place of business as aforesaid. 32. — Interpretation. — (1) For the purposes of this Act, unless the context otherwise requires : — The expression " trade shown " in relation to a film means either — (a) displayed within the administrative county of London to exhibitors of films or their agents in a building and under conditions allowing for the satisfactory viewing of the film after announcement to such persons at least seven days before the display, the display not being open to any member of the public on payment ; or (b) displayed to the general public in one theatre only on the first occasion on which the film is displayed in Great Britain either to exhibitors or to the public, and being the first of a series of public exhibitions of the film held on a number of consecutive days : The expr^ sion "maker" in relation to any film means the person by whom the arrangement necessary fot the production of the film are undertaken: Best in the "long run"— Radio, of course !