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Equipment and Technique in 1934.
expressions. Various ingenious methods place automatic colour intensities at the command of the organist, the latest being the application of the thyraton valve.
The best position for the organ chamber has long been a matter oi debate, and the Kinema Organists' Section of the Incorporated Society of Musicians has instituted an inquiry to ascertain the views of its members. It is hoped to consolidate this information and later issue a report on the lines of that presented last year on the " Standardisation of the Console."
Among the recent developments for the Compton organ is their solo 'cello stop, which consists of real vibrating strings actuated by revolving bows, which in turn are controlled from the console. This new stop has a most remarkable likeness to a real 'cello and it has already gained popularity both among organists and the public.
Considerable interest has been evinced by exhibitors and organists in the progress of the Conacher organ, introduced last year by the old-established firm of Huddersfield organ builders in collaboration with Reginald Foort, F.R.C.O. The performance of these quality instruments, for solo or accompaniment work in the theatre or for broadcasting, has been highly praised. The Christie organ has introduced many developments in its large range of kinema models.
The opening of a Wurlitzer factory in London has enabled a considerable saving in cost with a consequent reduction in price. The first two organs to be built at this factory were those at the Empire, Edmonton, and the Troxy, Stepney, and the installation of another — a 13-rank with piano — Wurlitzer at the Tower, Blackpool, for dance accompaniment, emphasises its claim to " add gaiety to kinema entertainment." Wurlitzers are now competitive in price and within the reach of most exhibitors.
While there is no gainsaying the importance of the picture as the main attraction of the kinema, the fact remains that the average exhibitor complains there are insufficient " good " pictures to go round. Consequently the progressive showman seeks to provide an additional attraction which will have the effect of retaining to his theatre a nucleus of patronage even when his film programme is not too strong. He will aim at emphasising the " community centre " role of his house. The courtesy and patience of his staff in dealing with patrons, the facilities offered them " outside the show," all help to build a good will which will prove useful during the screening of a picture that is below average.
But of chief importance in the provision of such permanent attractions as kine. -variety and presentations of one form or another, is the possession of a well-equipped stage and its intelligent use. It is not suggested that the average exhibitor should strain his financial resources in installing such equipment as will permit him to emulate the elaborate stage presentations put on in many modern super kinemas. So much attention has been paid of recent years by specialist firms to the requirements of the exhibitor, and particularly the small man, that there are few effects adequate to the most effective stage show which are not attainable by moderate-priced equipment.
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