Kinematograph year book (1946)

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420 The Kinematograph Year Book. BOURNEMOUTH— continued. Plaza (rca). — Prop., H. P. E. Mears, 303. Wimborne Road, Winton. 500 seats. Continuous. Booked at H.O. Three changes weekly. Prices, is. to 2s. 3d. Phone, Winton 790. Premier News, Albert Road. Regent (ba). — Prop., Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, Ltd., New Gallery House, 123, Regent Street, London, W. Phone, Bournemouth 2402. 2,267seats. Prices, is. od. to 4s. 6d. Fitted "ARDENTE" Deaf Aids See page 78 Roxy (Perfectatone). — Props. Wests Pictures Ltd. (Closed). Savoy (bth), Christchurch Road. — Props., M. & O. Theatres, Ltd., 52, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.i. Phone, Gerrard 1668. 760 seats. Booked at H.O. Continuous Prices, is. to 3s. 6d. Proscenium width, 30 ft' Cafe. Phone, Boscombe 1798. Station Boscombe. The Ritz (we), Wimborne Road, Winton. Westover Cinema (we).— Prop., Associated British Cinemas, Ltd., Golden Square, London. W.i. Phone, Gerrard 7887. 2,500 seatsBooked at H.O. Continuous. Phone, Bournemouth 433. Fitted "ARDENTE" Deaf Aids See page 78 BOWBURN (Durham). Crown (we). — Prop., Frederick Iseton, 1, The Avenue, Coxhoe, Ferryhill. Phone, Coxhoe 29. 450 seats. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Once or twice nightly. Booked at Avenue Cinema, Coxhoe. Proscenium width, 35 ft. Station, Coxhoe Bridge. BOVEY TRACEY (Devon), Pop. 2,788. The Cinema (ba). — Props., Mid Devon Cinemas, Ltd., Managing Director, L. C. Collings-W7ells. 250 seats. Booked at Hall. Phone, 189. Station, Bovey Tracey. BRACK LEY (Northants), Pop. 2,181. Town Hall. — Props., Town Council. 250 seats. Admission, iod. ; Twice weekly. BRACKNELL (Berks), Pop. 4,000. Regal (rca). — Props., Union Cinemas^ Ltd., Managed by Associated British Cinemas, Ltd., 30-31, Golden Square, London, W.i. Phone, Gerrard 7887. 400 seats. Continuous. Booked at H.O. Phone, 204. Station, Bracknell. BRADFORD (Yorks), Pop. 298,041. Arcadian Cinema (we), Legrams Lane. — Props., Glenroyal Cinema (Bradford), Ltd. 1,000 seats. Prices, iod. to is. gd. Continuous. Booked by A. S. Hyde, at Briggate, Shipley Proscenium width, 38 ft. Stage, 15 ft. deep. Two dressing-rooms. Phone, Bradford 11255. Stations, Bradford Exchange and Foster Square. Birch Lane Cinema (rca), West Bowling. — Prop., Bowling Cinema Co., 24, Foster Square, Bradford. 684 seats. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Proscenium width, 18 ft. Phone, Bradford 4946. Station, Bradford, L.M.S.. or L.N.E.R. Carlton (we), Manchester Road. — Prop., Marshfield Cinema Co., Ltd. 1,261 seats. Booked at Leeds. Continuous, Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 9d. Proscenium width, 25 ft. Phone, Bradford 6152. Station, Bradford and F.T.S. Civic Playhouse, Chapel Street. Coliseum (btp), Toller Lane. — Prop., Elite and Coliseum Cinemas (Bradford), Ltd., Elite Cinema, Toller Lane, Bradford. Phone, Bradford 3576. Booked by A. S. Hyde, at Briggate, Shipley. 1,176 seats. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Bradford 4919. Station, Bradford, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Coronet Cinema (we), Otley Road. — Prop., C. Cawthorne and A. S. Hyde, Central Chambers, Briggate, Shipley. Phone, Shipley 2974. 603 seats. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, 7d. to is. Proscenium width, 22 ft. Phone, Bradford 6829. Films by Road Transport. Station, Foster Square . Cosy Cinema (we), Fair Road, Wibsey. — Prop., Marshfield Cinema Co. , Ltd. , Manchester Road . Phone, Bradford 6152. 761 seats. Booked at Leeds. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. gd. Stage, 20 ft. deep. Two dressing-rooms. Phone, Low Moor 32. Station, Bradford and F.J.S. Coventry Hall Cinema (we), Wakefield Road. — Prop., Northern Cinema Co., West Bank, Daisy Hill, Bradford. Phone, Bradford 1186. 441 seats. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, sd. to is. gd. Phone, Bradford 3501. Stations, Bradford (Foster Square and Exchange). Elite Cinema, Toller Lane. — -Prop., Elite and Coliseum Cinemas (Bradford), Ltd. 1,285 seats. Booked by A. S. Hyde, at Briggate, Shipley. Phone, 1. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 8d. to is. 2d. Phone, 3576. Elysian Picture House, Lidget Green. — Lessee, C. M. Preedy, The Croft, Scarcroft Thorner, near Leeds. Phone, Thorner 127. 400 seats. Booked at Leeds. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Proscenium width, 22 ft. Phone, Bradford 6189. Road Transport. Empire Super Cinema (we), Horton Road. — Prop., The New Empire Bradford.(ig37), Ltd. 1,320 seats. Continuous. Booked at H.O. Prices, sd. to is. 3d. Proscenium width, 40 ft. Phone, Bradford 1788. Station, Bradford, L.M.S. , and L.N.E.R., and Road Transport. Empress Picture House (we), Legrams Lane. — Prop., Listerhills Cfciema, Ltd. 547 seats. Res. and Booking Man., A. Meynell. Booked at Hall. Two shows nightly. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 6d. Phone, Bradford 4945. Station, Bradford, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Grange Picture House (bth), Great Horton Road. — Prop., Grange Picture House, Ltd. 1,088 seats. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Mats. Wed. and Sat. Prices, iod. to is. 6d. Phone, Bradford 76. Stations, Bradford Exchange or Forster Square. Films by Road Transport. Greengates Cinema (ba). — Props., J.O.G.S. Cinemas, 23. Albion Place. Leeds. Phone, Leeds 20691-2. Booked at Leeds. Continuous. Prices, 4d. to is. Hippodrome (we), Barkorend Road. — Prop., Bradford Hippodrome (1929), Ltd., M. P. Cryer, Old Bank Chambers, Keighley. Phone, 2264. 1,460 seats. Booked at Leeds. Continuous evenings during week, two separate shows on Sat. Prices, 9d. and 6d. Phone, Bradford 4207. Station, Bradford, L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. Idle Picture House (ba). — Props., Idle Cinema, Ltd. 500 seats. Booked at Leeds. Continuous. Prices, 5d. to is. Phone, Idle 144. Station, Bradford. Films per F.T.S.