Kinematograph year book (1946)

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Kinema Directory (England). 425 scenium width, 22 ft. Prices, iod. to 2s. 3d. Phone, Kings-wood 73273. Temple Meads Station and F.T.S. Knowle Picture House (Edibell). — Prop, and Res. Man., F. G. W. Chamberlain. 600 seats. Booked at Gaiety, Knowle. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, 6d. to is. 3d. Phone, Bristol 76224. .Metropole Cinema (we), Ashley Road. — Prop., Eastville Hippodrome Co., Ltd., 424, StaDleton Road. Eastville, Bristol. 1,46s seats. Continuous. Prices, is. to 2s. od. Phone, Bristol 57357 New Palace (rca), Baldwin Street. — Prop., Gaumont British Picture Corporation, Ltd., 123, Regent Street, London, W.i. Phone, Regent 8080. 1,574 seats. Booked at H.O Continuous. Cafe attached. Prices, is. gd. to 3s. 6d. Phone, Bristol 258821. News Theatre (bth). — Prop., Jacey Cinemas, Ltd., 39, Temple Street, Birmingham. Phone, Midland 2941-2. 385 seats. Booked at H.O. Prices, iod. and is. 8d. Proscenium width, 24 ft. Continuous. Phone, Bristol 23338. Station, Temple Meads, G.W.R. Odeon Theatre (bth), Cr. Union Street and Broadmead. — Prop., Odeon Theatres, Ltd., Albion House, 59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.i. Phone, Temple Bar 4333. Continuous. Prices, is. 9d. to 4s. 6d. Phone, Bristol 24906. Olympia fWE), Carey's Lane. — Prop., S. H. Tustin. 780 seats. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Bristol 24975. Orpheus Cinema (Henleazej. — Props., Orpheus Cinemas, Ltd., Bridge House, Lawrence Hill, Bristol. Continuous. Prices, is. to 2s. gd. Phone, 67028. Park, St. George. — Phone, Bristol 57648. — ■ Controlled by Mayfair Circuit (Control), Ltd., 64, Park Street, London, W.i. Phone, Mayfair 8262. 896 seats. Booked bv A. Cohen at H.O. Premier Cinema Theatre (we), Gloucester Road. — Prop., Exors. S. H. Justin. 890 seats. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Booked at 10, Redland Court Road. Phone, Bristol 43977. Station, Montpelier, G.W.R. Regal Cinema (ba), Staple Hill. — Prop., Herbert F. Wren, Riebeck House, Staple Hill. 1,200 seats. Continuous. Mats., Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. Booked at Hall. Prices, is. to 2s. gd. Proscenium width, 30 ft. Stage, 12 ft. One dressing-room. Phone, Fishponds 53534. Station, Stapleton Road, Bristol, G.W.R., Staple Hill, L.M.S. Regent Picture House (we), Kingswood. — Props., Atkinson & Rees, Ltd. 550 seats. Booked at Scala Cinema, Bristol. Continuous from 2 p.m. Prices, iod. to 2s. 3d. Proscenium width, 27 ft. Phone 73453 Station, Temple Meads, G.W.R. F.T.S. , G.B. Fitted "ARDENTE" Deaf Aids See page 78 Rex (we), North Street, Bedminster. — Prop! Union Cinemas, Ltd. Managed by Associated British Cinemas, Ltd., 30-31, Golden Square, London, W.i. Phone, Gerrard 7887. 1,240 seats. Continuous. Ritz (ba). — Prop., George Allen (Bristol), Ltd., RockhaniDton Rectory, Falneld, Glos. 1,373 seats. Prices, is. gd. to 2s. gd. Continuous. Booked by George Alien, Metropole Cinema. Savoy Kinema (we), Station Road, Shirehampton.— Prop., The Shirehampton Cinema ( Co., Ltd. Continuous. Prices, is. 6d. to 2s. gd. Phone, Avonmouth 4. Station^ Shirehampton, G.W.R. Scala Cinema (we), Zetland Road. — Prop., Atkinsons Pictures, Ltd., g, North Road, St. Andrews, Bristol. 750 seats. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, is. to 2$. 3d. Phone, Bristol 44igo. Station. Montpelier. Town Hall Kinema (rca), Bedminster. — Prop., Atkinsons Pictures, Ltd., g, North Road, St. Andrews, Bristol. 600 seats. Contiguous. Prices, is. to is. gd. Phone, Bristol 63018. Station, Temple Meads, G.W.R. and L.M.S. Triangle Hall (we), Clifton.— Props., Associated British Cinemas Ltd., 30-31, Golden Lane, London, W.r. Phone, Gerrard 7887. Booked at H.O. 1,336 seats. Continuous. Phone, Bristol 25012. Station, Temple Meads, Bristol, G.W.R. (Temporarily closed.) Vandyck Picture House (wfj, Fishponds. — ■ Prop., Associated British Cinemas, Ltd., 30-31, Golden Square, London, W.i. Phon3, Gerrard 7887. Booked at H.O. 1,173 seats. Continuous. Phone, Fishponds 2. Station, Stapleton Road, G.W.R. Vestry Hall (rca), Pennywell Road. — Prop Atkinsons Pictures, Ltd., g, North Road. St. Andrews, Bristol. 560 seats. Booked at H. O. Continuous. Prices, 6d. to is. Phone Bristol 57182. Station, Stapleton Road, G.W.R. Whiteladies Picture House (we), Clifton. — Prop., Associated British Cinemas, Ltd., 30-31, Golden Square, W.r. Phone, Gerrard 7887. I, 320 seats. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Phone. Bristol 33640. Cafe and Ballroom attached. Station, Clifton Down, Bristol, G.W.R. BRISTON (Norfolk). Pop. 1,500. Cinema at Oddfellows' Hall, each week. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Manager, E. C. Whittred, " Sunville," Briston, Melton • Constable. Phone 60. Approx. 200 seats. BRIXHAM (Devon), Pop. 8,147. Electric Theatre (zeiss), ForeStreet. — Props., The Electric Theatre (Brixham), Ltd. Managing Director, A. O. Ellis, Sutherland Tower, Higher Warberry, Torquay. 500 seats. Booked at Torquay. Twice nightly, Mat. Sat. Phone, 2 151. 8R0ADSTAIRS (Kent), Pop. 12,743. Picture House (bth). — Props., Sax Cinemas, Ltd. Managing Director, Frederick B. Salt. Booked at Hall. Continuous daily from 2.15 p.m. (Suns, included) except Tues. and Wed. from 5 p.m. Prices, is. to 2s. 9d. Phone, Broadstairs 12. Films by Kent Films Transport. Royalty (we), York Street. — Props., Sax Cinemas, Ltd. Resident Managing Director, Frederick B. Salt. Booked at Hall. Continuous from 2 p.m., including Sundays. Prices, is. to 2S. <;d. Phone. Broadstairs 12. Films by Kent Films Transport. (Temporarily closed.) BROMHILL (Northumberland). Electric Theatre (awh). — Props., T. Gibson and J. Bell. 350 seats. Prices, 6d. and gd. Once nightly, Mon. and Fri. Twice Sat. Own Carrier. BROMLEY (Kent), Pop. 45,348. Gaumont (ba) High Street. — Props., Gaumont British Picture Corpn., Ltd., New Gallery