Kinematograph year book (1948)

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Who's What in the Industry. 73 Street, W.i. b. 1887. ed. Godolphin and Latymer Upper School, Hammersmith. Prop., Westcliffe Theatre, Clacton; Ranelagh Theatre, Felixstowe ; lessee Grand, Croydon ; Queens Hall, Holland-on-Sea ; Pavilion, Littlehampton ; Grand, Basingstoke ; chairman, Grand, Brighton ; chairman of a London building society ; proprietor, jewellers shops and hairdressing salons ; member of Clockmakers Company ; Liveryman of City of London. Addresses: 261, Goldhawk Road, W.i. Tel. : Riverside 2852. and Hammer House, Wardour Street, W.i. Tel. : Gerrard 5 733 -4. HAMSON, EUGENE, director and secretary, Northern Amusements, Ltd. ; member Manchester and Salford Branch C.E.A. Committee ; vice-chairman Branch, 1946 ; b. 1906, Haie, Cheshire ; ed. Ratcliffe College, Sheffield ; entered industry 1934 ; member S. and E. Lanes and Stockport branches C.E.A. Addresses : Office : Prudential Chambers, South Parade, Rochdale, Tel. : 2072. Private : 120, Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport, Tel. : Heaton 3353. HANCOCK, E., General sales manager M-G-M ; b. 1894 ; entered the trade 1920 ; Paramount ; joined P.D.C., 1930 ; joined M-G-M 1934. Address: 19, Tower Street, W.C.2 ; Tel. : Temple Bar 8444. HAND, DAVID, managing director and production supervisor G.B. Animation, Ltd. ; b. 1900, Plainfield, New Jersey ; ed. Acad. Fine Arts, Chicago ; began motion picture cartoon career 1919, Chicago, animating "Andy Gump " ; later activities, Bray Studios ; Fleischer Studios ; Walt Disney Studios from 1930; supervisor-director of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," " Bambi " and numerous shorts. Address : Moor Hall, Cookham, Berks. Tel. : Bourne End 810. HAND, HARRY, director, Production Facilities (Films), Ltd. ; production manager, Ealing Studios; b. 1902, London; entered industry 1920 ; subsequently recordist, assistant director and production manager. Addresses: Office : Ealing Studios, Ealing Green, W.5. Tel. : Ealing 6761 ; Private : 9, Heathway Court, Finchley Road, N.W.3. Tel. : Speedwell 9446. KANMER, PHILIP M., managing director, Regent Enterprises, Ltd., and 18 kinema companies ; b. 1899 ; entered business as secretary of Regent Enterprises, 1923 ; chairman of the Liverpool Committee of the C.T.B.F. ; chairman, North Western Branch C.E.A., 1935. Addresses : 51A, Rodney Street, Liverpool, 1. Tel. : Royal 4452 ; 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W.i. HARCOURT, W. M., F.R.S.A., F.R.P.S., F.B.K.S. ; managing director, Denham Laboratories ; vice-president, B.K.S. ; b. 1 901 ; entered business, 1918 ; member, British Standards Institute, Technical Committee CME /2, 3, 7, 13 and 14 ; vice-president B.K.S. Addresses: Office : Denham Laboratories, Denham, Middlesex. Tel. : Denham 2323. Private: "Lal-Koti," Latchmoor Avenue, Gerrards Cross, Bucks. Tel. : Gerrards Cross 2950. HARGREAVES, K. N., director and secretary Twentieth Century Productions, Ltd. ; Director Wembley Film Studio, 20th Century-Fox Fihn Co., Ltd. ; director (alternate for W. C. Michel), G.-B. Picture Corp., Ltd. ; b. 1909 ; ed. at Leys School, Cambridge ; entered industry in 1935 as secretary of 20th CenturyFox Film Co., Ltd. ; appointed secretary British Movietone News, Ltd., in 1936. Address : 20th Century House, Soho Square, W.i ; Tel. : Gerrard 7766. HARRAWAY, HUGH V., solicitor to the Kinematograph Renters Society Ltd., admitted a solicitor of the Supreme Court in 1906 ; was instrumental in forming the K.R.S. and was solicitor to its predecessor, the Cinematograph Trade Protection Society ; practising in partnership with his son, Michael T. Harraway. Address : 2, Field Court, Gray's Inn, W.C.i. Tel. : Chancery 8981. HARRIS, SAMUEL, F.V.I., F.I.A., senior partner, Harris & Gillow ; chairman, Cinema Press, Ltd. ; b. 1873 ; ed. Brighton College ; valuer and adviser, kinema and theatrical properties for prominent firms in industry since its establishment. Addresses : Office : 93, Wardour Street, W.i. Tel. : Gerrard 2504. Private : " Heatherside," Walton-onHih, Surrey. Tel. : Tadworth 2350 and 3201 . HARRISON, G. B., O.B.E., B.Sc, Ph. D., F.Inst.P., F.R.P.S., F.B.K.S. ; research director, Ilford, Ltd. ; b. 1906, London ; ed. University College, London ; after two years at British Photographic Research Association, joined Ilford, Ltd., 1930, as head, Rodenside Research Laboratory ; later head Cine Research Laboratory, Brentwood ; appointed director, Ilford, 1945. Address : Ilford, Ltd., Ilford, Essex. Tel. : Ilford 3000. HARRISON, COUN. V. E., M.B.E. managing director, V.E.H. Cinemas, Ltd., Aylsham Cinema Co., Ltd., Ritz Cinemas (Norwich), Ltd. ; b. 1897, London ; chairman, Eastern Eastern Counties branch, C.E.A., 1943-46 ; chief warden of Norwich, 1939-45 ; deputy Lord Mayor of Norwich City, 1945 ; member of Norwich City Council since 1938. Addresses: Office : 45, Dereham Road, Norwich. Tel. : 24894. Private : 22, Ipswich Road, Norwich. Tel. : 25888. HART, NORMAN, solicitor to C.E.A. ; b. Bradford ; ed. at the Grammer School and Denstone College ; was connected with the manufacturing and merchandise trade Bradford before going to Cambridge, took Law Degree and articled in London. Address : Broadmead House, Panton Street, S.W.i ; Tel. : Whitehall 6814. HART, SIDNEY, M.I.E.E., chief engineer, G.-B, Picture Corp., Ltd. ; b. 1886, Colne Engaine. Essex. Addresses : Office : Dominion, Tottenham Court Road, W.i. Tel. : Museum 0660. Private : Downside, Bannings Vale, Saltdean, Sussex. Tel. : Rottingdean 9606. HARTE, W. C, general and booking manager, Rotherham Hippodrome, Ltd. ; Premier P.P., Rotherham ; chairman, Sheffield branch, C.E.A., 1946 ; b. 1888, Halifax, Yorks. Entered industry, 1909 ; Empire Palace, Dewsbury, 1917 ; booking manager, Rotherham Hippodrome and Premier P.P., 1930 ; general and booking manager, 1940 ; vicechairman, Sheffield branch, 1943-45 ; delegate to General Council, 1945-7. Addresses : Office ;