Kinematograph year book (1948)

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Overseas. 563 R.C.A. Victor Argentina, Bartolome Mitre 1961, Buenos Aires. Western Electric, Rodriguez Pena 370, Buenos Aires. Sesamo (Soc. Cin., Arg.), Callao 492, Buenos Aires. Palermo Estudios Cinematograficos, Olleros 1775, Buenos Aires. Cultural Cine Sonoro Corp., Rivadavia 578, Buenos Aires. Compania " A6A", Peru 486, Buenos Aires. Casa America, Avenida de Mayo 959, Buenos Aires. Eugenio M. Etchegoin, Maipu 639, Buenos Aires. Philips, Vedia ; Av. Forest, Buenos Aires. Mayo Film, Bartolome Mitre 1956, Buenos Aires. J. M. Lavaja, Lavalle 2023, Buenos Aires. Arcom, Lavalle 1870, Buenos Aires. Manuel Boiza e Hijos, Av. del Tejar 3646, Buenos Aires. Ferro, Rio de Janerio 677. Buenos Aires. Reyes Jose, Independeneia 1900, Buenos Aires. Marcialis, Humahuaca 3S48, Buenos Aires. L. Basoleto, Portela 273, Buenos Aires. Kurt Munzner, Senillosa 246, Buenos Aires. Simon Grimberg, Matheu 257, Buenos Aires. Joaquin Lopez, Guardia Yieja 4328, Buenos Aires. Marzorati Hermanos, Pasteur 754, BueDos Aires. B. Munoz, Fonrouge 2036, Buenos Aires. E. Pedrol, Xazca 1744, Buenos Aires. TRADE PUBLICATIONS Agica, Bernardo de Irigoyen 118, Buenos Aires. Cine, Rio Bamba 423, Buenos Aires. Cine Argentino, Corrientes 576, Buenos Aires. Cine Prensa, J.E. Uriburu 126, Buenos Aires. Cinepress, Venezuela 1120, Buenos Aires. Film, Rio Bamba 423, Buenos Aires. Heraldo del Cinematografista, Montevideo 443, Buenos Aires. Imparcial Film, Viamonte 1332, Buenos Aires. La Pelicula, Ayacucho 273, Buenos Aires. Procine, Venezuela 1120, Buenos Aires. Proyecciones, Av. de Mayo 560, Buenos Aires. Revista del Exhibidor, Ayacucho 380, Buenos Aires. U.O.C., Callo 837, Buenos Aires. La Verdad en Cine, Cerrito 466, Buenos Aires. AUSTRALIA HPHE year 1947 was significant for the Australian Trade. The international dollar restriction resulted in an agreement with M.P.A. that remittances to the United States should be limited as from September r, to 70 per cent. The blocked funds to be held in Australia for 10 years. Home production was a disappointment and there was a further box-office decline. The average long run in Sydney, for example, falling to around 35 weeks. British films which did magnificent business up to the last quarter of the year have fallen away with a few notable exceptions. Imports of British products show a consistent rise. 16 mm. entertainment was introduced in the out-bush townships. Government Film departments dealing with the Industry are Federal and State in operation. Chief of the former is the Commonwealth Film Censorship which deals with all imported films and locally produced films for export. The various states are considering legislation for the unification of censorship. New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania have each formed departments to control the building of new theatres. In New South Wales there is a 3-year ban on new theatres. The National Film Board produces educational and documentary films, distributes selected foreign subjects and collaborates with States in these subjects. 32 films were completed in 1946 at a cost of £60,000. Kinemas 1640, situated New South Wales 583, Victoria 347, Queensland 322, South Australia 169 Western Australia 93, Tasmania 46, There are 54 Training (Mobile) Kinemas and approximately 50 16-mm. mobile shows. Principal Circuits : Hoyts Theatres (153 Kinemas) in which 20th Century Fox's National Theatres Corporation has a controlling interest is particularly strong (40) in Melbourne suburbs. Greater Union Theatres Pty., Ltd. (122) in which J. Arthur Rank has a 50 per cent, interest recently acquired 23 kinemas off Clifford circuit in South Australia. Waterman Bros, and Associate Companies 25 kinemas mostly in South Australia. M.G.M. Theatres, 8 theatres in key situations. Snider & Dean Theatres Pty., 25 kinemas in New South Wales. Far Nulton Theatres has 14 kinemas in Queensland. Gredfields Pictures Ltd., 22 kinemas in Western Australia. Robert McLeish Theatres, 7 kinemas in Victoria. Admission prices : is. 3d. (including 3d. tax) to 6s. 3d. (including is. 7d. tax). Entertainment tax is collected by Commonwealth Government and for the year ended June 30, was £5,137,805, of which it is estimated kinemas accounted for two-thirds. Feature films released to June 30, 1947 were 345, the lowest since 1942 /43. B.E.F. released 57 films, Columbia 60, G.B.D. 19, M-G-M. 42, Paramount 26, P.R.C. 8, R K O 30, Fox 26, U.A. 19, Universal 32 and Warners 26. In 1946,384 films were imported : — U.S.A. 319, U.K. 42 and 23 from elsewhere. Percentage of British imports has risen from 8 per cent, in 1943, to 10.9 per cent, in 1946. Seven films all from U.S.A. were rejected by the Censor. Censorship : Uniform Federal censorship registration, based on the Victorian model, is contemplated by all States. Classifications : A, or adults only — generally applied only to medical or propaganda films with strictly adult appeal ; suitable only for adults— usually given to horror films ; not suitable for general exhibition — recommended as suitable only for adult viewing, but leaving it to parents whether they allow their children to see it or not ; general exhibition — harmless for children ; N.E.N. — not to be exhibited before natives, sometimes used for films sent to the Pacific islands. Customs and other duties : Preference is shown in tariffs to British film imports ; but there is a duty of 8d. per foot on all U.S. imports. Duties on studio equipment from Great Britain are lighter than those from non-Empire lands. Camera, amplifier, microphone and mixer are subject only to 10 per cent, primage duty if imported from Britain. Sound gear from foreign countries meets a 20 per cent, duty, 10 primage, plus 25 per cent, sales tax (sales tax applies also to British imports). Quota Restrictions : Law fixes the distributors' quota of Australian films at 3 per cent. The minimum proportion of Australian quota