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Federal District charge from 0.20 to 1.50 pesos (approx. 3d. to 2s.).
Percentages of films exhibited in Mexico are as follows : U.S. 80 per cent. ; Mexico 12.5 per cent. ; Argentina 5 per cent. ; French, British and other films 2.5 per cent.
Censorship : This is controlled by the Ministry of the Interior, to whom films must be submitted before exhibition anywhere in the country. There are four classifications: "A" — suitable for adults, adolescents and children; "B" — suitable for adults and adolescents ; " C " — suitable for adults only; "D" — suitable for exhibition under special circumstances only. The latter must have a special authorisation for each showing.
Import duty on films with Spanish dialogue is fixed at 8 pesos per kilogram (approx. 10s.), whereas that on films with English dialogue is fixed at 20 pesos per kilogram, (approx. £1 53..).
Present quota legislation requires each kinema to reserve one third of its annual screen time for Mexican films.
The only new legislation in the film industry announced during 1947 was a regulation of the Actors' Section of the Sindicato de la Produccion that no foreign actors will be allowed to work in Mexico unless they are under contract.
Production : Mexico has 9 film studios, which provide facilities for 29 producing companies. The Credito Cinema tografico Mexicano (Mexican Film Bank) was formed with Government backing and with a capitalisation of about 15 million pounds sterling to strengthen Mexican production. It set a ceiling on production costs with a view to keeping down the rapidly rising expenditure. Guidance and supervision of production is entrusted to the National Film Commission, which was recently endorsed by the President of Mexico.
Camara Nacional de la Industria Cinemato
gratica, Paseo de la Reforma 50s, Mexico City. Asociacion de Productores y Distribuidores de
Peliculas, Paseo de la Reforma 503, Mexico
Asociacion Nacional de Empresarios, Paseo de
la Reforma 503, Mexico City. Sindicate Nacional de Empleados Cinemato
graficos, Orozco y Berra 15, Mexico City. Sindicato de la Produccion, Aldaco n-c, Mexico
Sindicato de Actores de Cine y Similars, Plaza
de las Vizcainas, Mexico City. Directores de Peliculas S.D.L.P., Ramon Guzman
123, Mexico City. Union de Exhibidores, Av. Ejidc 19, Mexico
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la industria Cinematografica.
Cinematografistas Unidos, Paseo de la Reforma 72, Mexico City.
Central Cinematografica, S.A. Paseo de la
Reforma 27, Mexico City, Cosmopolitan Films, Bureareli 35, Mexico City. Cosmos Filmex, Paseo de la Reforma 12-213,
Mexico City. Distribucion California, Donato Guerra 5,
Mexico City.
Eureka Films, Av. Ejido 37-18, Mexico City.
Exportadora de Peliculas S.A., Av. Ejido 43-111, Mexico City.
Film Trust Co. Atenas 30. Mexico City.
Films Victoria, Ejido 19, Mexico City.
Meca Films S. de R.L., Ramon Guzman 128,
Mexico City. Jorge M. Dada, Donato Guerra 22, Mexico. City. Panamerican Films, S.A., Liverpool 74, Mexico
Calderon Films S.A., Artes 28, Mexico City. Peliculas Nacionales y Estranjeras, Av. Ejidos 37,
Mexico City. Seleccine S.A., Artes 17, Mexico City. Vives Films, Artes 17, Mexico City. Producciones Able Salazar, Ayuntamiento,
Mexico City. Producciones Mexico S.A., Artes 28, Mexico City. Producciones Rosas Priego, S.A., Paseo de la
Reforma 12, Mexico City. Producciones Alberto Sahtandar, Paseo de la
Reforma 12, Mexico City. Producciones Boytler, Balderas 35, Mexico City. Superfilms de America, Donato Guerra 22,
Mexico City. Vincente Sais'o Piquer, Paseo de la Reforma 503,
Mexico City. Orbe Films, S.A., Dinamarca 21, Mexico City. Peliculas Taurinas, Av. Republica del Salvador
44, Mexico City. Producciones Rosas Films S.A., Donato Guerra 2,
Mexico City. Producciones Miguel Saikind, Dinamarca 21,
Mexico City. Concordia Films, Atenas 30, Mexico City. Espana Sono Film, Bucareli 35, Mexico City. Fernando de Fuentes, Paseo de la Reforma 503,
Mexico City. Filmos S.A,, Dinamarca 21, Mexico City. Films de America, Av. Eiido 19, Mexico City. Genera! Cinematografica, Paseo de la Reforma
27, Mexico City. Mexinema, Atenas 21, Mexico City. Cinematografica Guadalajara, Paseo de la
Reforma 146, Mexico City. Mexico Hispania Artis Films, Dinamarca 21,
Mexico City. EmiSio C. Tello, Mcrelos 57-2, Mexico City. Dada-Dada y Co. Centroamerica, Donato Guerra
22, Mexico City. Distribuidora Hispano-Mexleang, Mexico City. Disfribuidora de Peru, Colombia, Cuba, Chile y
Venezuela, Abraham Gonzalez 2, Mexico City Bssiribuidora Interamericana de PeSicuias S.A.,
Av. Ejido 19, Mexico City. A. M. Perea, Durango 330, Mexico City.
Columbia Pictures, S.A., B.O. Box 911, Versalles
43, Mexico City. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer de Mexico, Reforma 51,
Mexico City.
Monogram Pictures de Mexico, S.A., Ejido 19,
Mexico City. Paramoung Films, S.A., Calle Ayuntamiento 46,
Apartado Postal 108, Mexico City. RKO-Radio Pictures de Mexico, S.A., Avenida
del Ejido 43, Mexico City. Republic Pictures de Mexico, Inc., Avenida
Morelos 63, Mexico City. 20tfe-Gentury-Fox Film de Mexico, S.A., Donato
Guerra 24, Mexico City. United Artists (Artistas Unidos) S.A., Avenida
Morelos ro2, Mexico City. Universal Pictures, Paseo de la Reforma 152,
Mexico City. Warner Bros.— First National South Pictures,
S.A.. Apartado bis 75, Donato Guerra 24,
Mexico City.