Kodascope Talking-Film Library (1936)

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46 L-7613 The Big Scare Code NERCO "Extra, the End of the World Coming," the headline in a newspaper, which throws the community, of animals and insects, into a furor. Their efforts to escape the expected calamity are very amusing. An airplane finally solves the prublcm. 9 min. L-7614 Jungle Jazz Code NERCU Many wild animals, of the jungle variety, as well as cannibals, threaten the two travelers. The tall traveler is terror-stricken each time one of the weird beasts approaches, while the little chap remains unshaken. A very amusing imaginative cartoon. 8 min. L-7615 Laundry Blues Code NERCAR Rollicking tunes, excellent harmony and funny little Chinese laundrymen at their work. An animated cartoon brim full of action which is sure to please any audience. 9 viin. L-7616 Red Riding Hood Code NERCER Here is the old nursery story very much modernized. Grandma is so rejuvenated by a jazz tonic that she arises from her sick bed and becomes a very jazzy grandmother. When the Wolf comes, he promptly falls in love with Grandma and they are eloping to the church when Little Red Riding Hood arrives. She rushes away to Mrs. Wolf to tell of her husband's duplicity. The wedding is interrupted, the bad wolf is made a very good wolf indeed, and Grandma decides to be good rather than gaudy. Very excellent cartoon. 8 min. L-7617 Noah Knew His Ark Code NERCIR Noah gathers the animals when the rain threatens. However, a dinosaur api>ears and nearly upsets the ark. Captain Noah furnishes plenty of entertainment but trouble starts when the pair of polecats appear from below. 8 min. L-7618 Dixie Days Code NERCOR This cartoon opens with a scene on a Mississippi River steamboat with the darkies dancing and singing. Soon we are in the cotton fields with Uncle Tom, and are given a comical performance of Uncle Tom's Cabin, which everyone will enjoy. 8 min. To Avoid Disappointment —