Kodascope Talking-Film Library (1936)

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63 A racetrack romance, in which the rather wild son (with a heart of gold), is misunderstood by his father, who disowns him, partly because of a false accusation of the father's jockey, whom the son protects. Paul Hurst (the jockey), and the son acquire an unknown racehorse which they train through various vicissitudes and finally race to victory, which includes a father's forgiveness and the jockey's full vindication. A thin thread of twin romances runs through the _story, which has a good moral and considerable comedy. 67 mm. 7L-8614 Sucker Money Code SERCU featuring Misclia Aucr, Phyllis Barring ton, .'llac Ihiscli and Ralph Lewis. A weird and thrilling mystery story, woven around a background of pseudo spiritual seances, operated by a diabolically clever criminal, who poses as a clairvoyant, and thus preys upon the credulous superstitions of wealthy people longing for the "materialization" of relatives who have passed away. A clever young newspaper reporter gets employment in the "racket ring," to expose their operations, but nearly loses his life (as several others actually do), when the culprits are cornered by the police. Sustained suspense almost unequalied, holds the spectator breathless and spellbound from the beginning. 71 min. 6P-8615 Deadwood Pass Code SERCAR Featuring Tom Tyler. The story centers around a long, narrow and winding pass through precipitous mountains, where an attempt to rob the stagecoach is frustrated by a courageous passenger, who is later accused of being the "Hawk," a noted desperado of former days, who has just escaped from the state penitentiary and is believed to be headed for Deadwood Pass, where $200,(XX) in government bonds — loot from a former robbery — is supposed to have been secreted by him before his previous capture and sentence. A local gang of desperadoes has been vainly searching the Pass for the hidden treasure and welcomes the opportunity of joining forces with the "Hawk," in aiding him to escape from the postofifice inspector, for a share of his hidden treasure. Hard-riding and harder fighting among these hardiest of criminals keep the spectator breathless with suspense as the picture progresses to a capital climax. Splendid photography and excellent sound reproduction. 61 min. Specify Two Alternates