Kodascope Talking-Film Library (1936)

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73 beautiful daughter. When his employer's cattle are raided, Blackie finds himself under suspicion and fights his way through several gun battles to vindicate himself. Tarzan, Ken Maynard's marvelous horse, again aids his master in escaping from a tight spot. Great entertainment for those who like their western drama. 63 niUi. mmm^-^ '^■K^ ' A '^1 'ij^ l^^lFr ^ ^%^ Nt m ■ ^^x if^^^KTlSj ¥ ^'"^EMd ^^ ■■isimmk ^-^^§1 *:--^_.-'^»-<|^.-^gF j 6P-8631 *Fightin' Thru Code SERFE Featuring Ken Mciynard, Jeanctte Lo§, Wallace MacDonald and Carmelita Geraghty. A thrilling tale of the bold bad men of the gold mines in '49. In this talking picture of the West, Ken Maynard battles a gang to prevent them from stealing his pay dust. He is falsely accused of shooting a gambler. With the aid of Tarzan, the Wonder Horse, he escapes the posse sent to capture him. When the sister of the man he was accused of killing is swindled by the gang, he comes to her rescue. Confessions are obtained from the bad men, the hero is vindicated, and love reigns triumphant. A corking good story for young and old. 6l viiii. (Pub. S, see page 7). 7P-8632 *Murder at Midnight Code SERFI Featuring Hale Hamilton, Ailecn Pringlc and Alice White. Good murder mystery filled with baffling situations. With the finger of suspicion pointing at practically every character in the picture, this melodrama moves along at a fast pace, * Exclusive Kodascope Libraries Subject. Specify Two Alternates