La Cinématographie française (Jan - Apr 1937)

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rTTTTIIIXTIIIIÏXXXXXXXXJ CINE 149 FR RAPftlE SE I Importance of Cinéma Art and Technique at the Paris Exhibition Spécial présentations of the most récent and the best films of ail countries Below, our readers will find full détails of the important activity of the Cinéma, at the International Exhibition which is to be opened, in Paris, next May. Exactly in the centre of the Exhibition, in a large central hall, opposite the Press Pavilion, and opening under the base of the Eiffel Tower, is the spécial pavilion of the Cinéma, Photography, and Talking machines. In this, will be held the international cinéma fêtes, at which will be presented the best films made by the world cinéma industry during the présent year. Various prizes and medals will bring world renown to thèse works of art and technique, which recompenses, will hâve important bearing on the eventual exploitation of the honoured films in their différent countries; and we observe that, already, the producers are rivalling each other in their efforts to show, at the Exhibition, the very best productions achieved since the création of the talking film. * The best period for visiting the Exhibition will be during the month of June. The time when spécial présentations of films will be held, is also the time during which congresses of the « Chambre Internationale du Film » (International Chamber of Films), the « Presse Cinématographique » (The Cinéma Press), the « Cinéma d'Enseignement » (Educational), and the « Cinéma d'Amateurs » (The Amateur Cinéma), will take place, and the efforts of which will be interesting to see on the screen. It is to be noted that the end of September, so charming in Paris, will be just the period when the year's latest films for the following season will be shown, thèse including American productions. (By reason of importation restrictions which affect several countries, one is unable, in France, to see ail the important foreign films.) At the time of the Exhibition, many showings will take place in private halls, apart from the officiai présentations. Therefore we advise buyers and others connected with the Film industry, who wish to see thèse films, to spend as much time as possible in Paris. A stay of two or three months, would, for them, be a continuai source of interest and of discoveries on the artistic and technical sides of the world film production; and they would also benefit considerably by extended relations with important people in the cinéma industry, who, from ail parts of the world, are known to be coming. * * Cinéma activity will not be solely confined to the central Cinéma Pavilion, as the greater number of the National Pavilions, and those of many industries, will contain projection rooms. The use of the cinéma for Industrial propaganda is now gênerai. We shall hâve unexpected surprises in the way of short industrial, scientific and commercial films, and in films made for advertising purposes; for technical perfection has permitted pure art to enter into this form of film production. Several films hâve been made especially for use at the Exhibition. From the second floor of the Eiffel Tower, Jean Marguerite has filmed, step by step, the progress of the building up of the Exhibition. Jean Chojx has made a film: « 1937 Records », showing the value of modem work. The Exhibition Committee, with the aid of the French Railways, has produced six pictures, glorifying the old French Provinces : « Burgundy and Brittany » by Jean Benoit-Lévy and Jean Epstein — «Alsace Lorraine and Franche-Comté » by Louis Cuny and Maurice Cloche — « Champagne » by Eliane Tayer — and « Béarn and the Basque Countries » by Henri Regnaud. A healthy rivalry will be aroused amongst specialists in short-length subjects. Thanks to this, visitors to the Pierre Blanchar qui interprète avec tant de maîtrise le rôle de Lord lllinworth dans Une Femme sans importance. Exhibition will see, in the buildings along the Seine, animated and sound pictures taken in ail countries; and, to the pleasure of spending a few weeks under the sky of Paris, will be added the joy of glimpses of other lands, their peoples and their customs, thanks to the magie mirror of the Cinéma. P.-A. HARLÉ. "Travail", by Emile Zola, is a forecast of actual Events The film Travail, adapted from this hook l'or the screen by Mr André Desmorgets, is ;ui optimistic film of reconciliation, having no time for political passions. It shows one the great difficulties which great men meet, and against which they fight to realise their idéal, whose aim is purely humanitarian. This thesis is the background of a sustained action, which is extremely powerful, moving and essentially cinematographic. « We wish to make this picture quite impartial. Ail onr strength is strained towards one goal : to interest the public by a serious subject, capable of causing reflecti m withont ever being boring. The public will remember, in particular, the love of Josine and of Luc Froment. It will conserve the impression that a new attempt has been malle to entertain it, and that from this entertainment there remains something : a souvenir and a powerful dream... ».