La Cinématographie française (Jan - Apr 1937)

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EXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 CINE 151 FR R/IPHIE SE ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ MORE CLEAN PICTURES During Ihc course of the last year, and indirectly after tlic publication of the Encyclical of the Pope Pi us XI: «Vigilanti Cura», on the Cinéma, a movement lias conie to Iight in favour of the production of décent films, Ht to be seen by persons of ail âges, and containing neither offensive dialogue, nor immoral scènes, nor objectionable situalions. The very obvious commercial success of a «clean» film such as L'Appel du Silence (('ail of the YVilderness) - which lias been awarded the «Grand Prix» for films in France for 1930 - is a proof that «clean» films are by no means a bad investment. It would be to the advantage of many French producers to read the book just published in America and written by Mr. Martin Quigley, Editor-in-Chief ond Publisher of the Motion Picture Herald and Motion Picture Daily : «Decency in Motion Picture». It is quite likely that French Producers, without forsaking f ri volons films which please a certain category of the public, will dévote Ihemselves to making of décent pictures which may be seen, without harm by everybody, children as well as adults. The Cinematographic Press bas an important rôle to play in this matler, as in France there is no censure as to the fitness of films for universal view, as in England and Belgium. 35 FRENCH FILMS DURING THE FIRST THREE MONTHS OF 1937 While it was difficult to forsee, at the end of last year, what the French production would do in 1937, we may be pleased to notice that 35 films hâve been made in the French studios during the first three months of this year, that which is a record when compared with former years. Generally speaking, January and Februarv were calm months in the French studios, and it was rarely before Mardi that the plans of our producers took shape, or were, at least, definitely coniirmed. For the first time this year, things were différent, and in three months nearly a third of the production of former years fias been realized, And yet, never hâve conditions been so difficult for the producers : new social laws imposing the forty-hour week in the studios, and thus increasing the price of films, as well as the 6 % tax on production. The activity of our studios has won the admiration of those who know the difficult ies of ail sorts which assail the producers, stars, and technicians. In spite of this, the studios hâve ail worked, if not at «full swing», al least, regularly. Hère is brief summary of the principal films produced since the begining of the year, which will be released shortlv. La Nuit de Feu (Night of Fire) a film with a Russian background and taken from Tolstoï" s Le Cadavre vivant (The Living Corpse), directed by Marcel L'Herbier and acted by Gaby Morlay, the laie and much pegretted, Signoret, and Victor Francen. A nous Deux... Madame la Vie (So What... Life) )a satirist comedy written and directed by Yves Mirande, with Simone Berriau, André Luguet, and Jean-Louis Barrault. Boissière, taken from a novcl by Pierre Benoit, produced and directed by Fernand Hivers, and acted by Spinelly, Yonnel, and Lucien Nat, L'Homme à Abattre (Man to be Killed) a spy story and the sequel to Deuxième Bureau and Les Loups entre eux, is taken from a book by Ch, Robert-Dumas and is acted by Jean Murât, Véra Koréne, and Jules Berry. Une Femme sans Importance (A Woman of no Importance) is a very free adaption, by Charles Spaak, of Oscar Wilde's play, and it thus becomes a good melo-drama, well acted by Pierre Blanchar, Line Noro, Gilbert Gil and Lisette Lanvin. Arsène Lupin Détective a thriller taken from Maurice Leblane's celebrated book of the samc name. * * * Ont of productions, now in work in the French studios, the following films are to be noted particularly : Les Perles de la Couronne (Pearls of the Crown), by Sacha Guitry. This film is actually the greatesl efforl of the French studios. Il is directed by Sacha Guitry and Christian Jaque and it relates the différent true stories of the seven pearls of the crown of England. More than 40 first class artists, of which at least 10 are important stars, take part in the 90 scènes of this amazing film. Les Perles de la Couronne is certainlv an unusual film : it benefits in advance by its réputation and it is the main attraction of the French production at the présent moment. It is made in one ^ersion only, but the French, English, and Italian actors will each speak their own language. The leading rôles will be portrayed by Sacha Guitry (François I"r, King of France and Napoléon III) , Lynne Harding (Henry VIII, King of England), Ermato Zaccone (Pope Clément VI), Aimé Simon Girard (Henri IV, King of France), Jacqueline Delubac, Germaine Aussey, Barbara Shaw, Cécile Sorel, Mary Marquet, Cleo de Mérode, Jean Coquelin, and Enrico Glory. The «première» of this film will take place, simultaneously, in ail the chief European capitals on May llth next, on the eve of the coronation of His Majesty George VI, King of England. La Dame de Pique (The Queen of Spades) on important dramatic film directed by Fedor Ozep, and taken from novcl by Pouchkine. This tragedy of the life of a gambler is acted by Pierre Blanchar and Madeleine Ozcrav. La Danseuse Rouge (The Red Dancer) is a spy draina, directed by J. P. Paulin and it is adapted from Charles Henry Hirsch's book: La Chèvre aux Pieds d'Or (The Goal with the Golden Hooves). Cast includes: Véra Koréne; J. Worms, Jean Galland, and Ludmilla PitoefT. Yoshivara, an important film with a Japonese background, deals with the Geishas, from a scénario by Maurice Dekobra, and is directed by Max Ophiils. An entire district of Tokio lias been built in the studios for this film. In the cast, Pierre RichardWillm, Sessue Hayakawa, the celebialed actor of silent days, and a Japonesc aetress Michiko Tanaka. La Grande Illusion (The Great Illusion) a story of prisoners of war and of évasions, is directed by Jean Renoir and acted by Pierre Fresnay, Jean Gabin, Dita Patio and Erich Von Stroheim. Troïka Rouge (Red Troika) a story with a Polish background, directed by Jean Dréville and acted by Jany Holt, Charles Vanel, and Jean Mural. Gribouille, ;i comedy, directed by Marc Allégret and taken from an original story by Marcel Achard; acted by Raimu, Carette and a new French star, Michèle Morgan. * * * Several important French films are being made abroad : Le Poisson Chinois (The Chinesc Fish), a thriller which is being made by Pierre Billon in Bulgaria and in the Simplon Orient Express, with a cast including Pierre Fresnay, Michel Simon and Kate de Nagy. Les Hommes sans Nom (Men without Names) a film on the Foreign Légion, on wrhich Jean Vallée is working on location in Morocco, with a cast including Constant Réiin, Tiiommy Bourdelle, Aimos, Tania Fédor, and Janine Crispin. Les Secrets de la Mer Rouge (The Secrets of the Red Sea) which is being made, at Djibouti and in the Somalis coast, by Richard Potlier, with Harry Baur in the principal rôle and Henri de Monfreid the author, as himself. In France, in the South, in a village created and built esnecially for the needs of the film. Marcel Pagnol is making Arsule, taken from Jean Giono's novel, Regain, with Gabriel Gabrio and Orane Demazis. In India, Richard Eichberg is making the French version of Le Tombeau Indou (The Hindu Tomb) with Pola Illery and Roger Duchesne. In Italy, Abel Gance is finishing Le Voleur de Femmes (Thief of Women) which is taken from a novel by Pierre Frondaie. PLANS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF 1937 Numerous films are about to be made: Double Crime sur la Ligne Maginot (Double Crime on the Maginot Line), an important spy picture. Abus de Confiance (Abuse of Confidence) and Mademoiselle ma Mère (Miss Mother) two films which Danielle Darrieux will niake before she leaves for Hollywood where she bas been engaged by Universal. Manon 326 which will be directed by Raymond Bernard, and which will introduce lo the screen, the popular music-hall star, Marie Dubas. Sarati Le Terrible (Sarati the Terrible), by Jean Vignaud, with Harry Baur. La Rue sans Joie (Street without Joy), by Hugo Bettauer. Le Père Serge (Father Serge), by Tolsloi. The three last named will be directed by André Hugon. Nostalgie (Nostalgia), taken from Le Maître de Poste (Post masler), by Pouchkine, with Harry Baur as star. His First Offense, an English novel, with will be directed by Marcel Carné, who directed Jenny, having as cast Françoise Rosay. Michel Simon, Jean-Louis Barrault and Louis Jouvet.