La Cinématographie française (May - Aug 1937)

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♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ phie kiiiiiiixxxxsxxtsxxjxxx: coraedy, dirccted by Pierre Colombier, \vi!h Êlvire Popcsco and Jules Berry. PORTE-VEINE. — A comedy, with Lucien Baroux, directed by André Bertho niieu. L'ALIBI. — A (lia directed by Pierre C Stroheiiu, Albert Pré PLANS FOR OF THE FftOPUCTiON OF SECOND Hi LF AI tbe présent finie, working hard on pre which will be brough thi' near future. The ■ nounced. The main La Sonate à Kreit Puritan, by Liani 0'F||ic Informer, Travail (Li .4 maii in revoit, by meurs, an original story Ion; Alexandra, by Lucie H ii ru el a» Marcel with Eri md Janv h prqduçî on of nc\ ■ •e the caKiL tnany li|i re : by Tolstl Iv, uutbor o iy Ni mon Delarue-Mardrus ; Freneh-Cuneun, in which Danicile Darrieux will star; Sarjevo, by Joseph Kessel; Naples au baiser de feu, starring Tino Rossi, and Viviane Romance; Mollenard, by O.-P. Gilbert; "Nuits de Prince, by Joseph Kessel; Yamilé sous les Cèdres, by Henry Bordeaux, of the French Academy, which will be tnadé entirely in Syria, A woman in the Storm, which will be produced in Dalmatia. Ecole de joie, directed, by Léonide Moguy, a film on French youth. The Joyless streetÀ . .Futher Serge, Life of Jean Juin C.heat (Forfaiture) a talking versionlo fanions silent film, with Sessue v\v Va. L'empreinte de Dieu, Der Meersch, The Master, ques de Baroncelli, Lafarge Case; S.O.Sf^Mitc Marseillaise bv JjLnn I ali \vi impoli local filrî etc., are, b\ French p jects of more ta i n i n ^| world A not lier charac (hiction is the hi which the majority direct drame)^m Mer Hou nulle pari Sud, La Bail el (Aam. les ///, Drôle de {Les seen rs de la [henal (L'homme de Billon {Courrier Uencieuse), Marc Alléyeux de l'Occident, Gri ïch stars are coming into their île young French si '< as AVipfella, Danielic Darrieux. and Georges Rigaud an being claimed bj HollywoodNew talents are growing up in the French studios : Nadine Vogel (in l>r<'lc de dr i le terrible). Ile) and adresses re. Mireille Balin ng star of Pépé le Moko), on lias acquired its own particular character. French •lion is typical : La guindé illusion, Moko, Les perles de la Couronne îe best examples. Il is interesling to note lhat, for the firsi lime, since January lst, the number of French films shown in France bas increased by '.YÀ ', while Ihc number of foreign films shown during the samc period, bas decreased bj au .. The revival of French films which started two years ago bas been accomplished and the French Cinéma now stands secure. The International value of the best French Jilms cannot be discussed. In spite of inaiiy difficultés, independent French Producers hâve achieved a marvellous programme of which will go ail the world over. Thère will be ab< 140 French fihllijtf^tLjced in 1937. \Y. forsee lhal hjJf>iflS>HTs' number will be of excellent va>8^ïoi yforcVn countries Never, sanec pwAvai' dmys, bas French Production had suTh an çpnbrtunit) of prowing ils w\i Pierre .ifilré.