La Cinématographie Française (1938)

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138 cxrx: ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ CINE RAPHIE SE IXXXXXXXX1 ry, Aimé Clariond, Andrews Engelman, Katia Lova. Type and story : Navy drama dealing with a sailor who revolts against discipline. This important film includes many outdoor scenes produced with the coopération of the French Navy. Le Ruisseau ( Outcast ). — Director : Maurice Lchmann (of Lyons’Mail). Cast : Françoise Rosav, Michel Simon, Paul Camho, Gaby Sylvia. Type and story : Melodrama adapted from a play by Pierre Wolff. Terre (le feu ( Tierra de! Fuego) (produced in Italy ) . — Director : Marcel l’Herbier (of Veille dArmes). Cast : Mireille Balin, Tito Scliipa, Louisa Carleiti, Marie Glory. Type and story : Strong drama with action partially sel in a penitentiary of Tierra del Fuego, in the Argentine Republic. Includes also an important singing and musical side. Campement 13. — Director : Jacques Constant. Cast : Alice Field, Gabriel Gabrio, Sylvia Bataille, Thomv Bourdelle. Type and story : Original drama dealing with the life of barges caulkers. Most of the scenes shot on location along the French Rivers. Place de la Concorde. Director : Cari hamac. Cast : Albert Préjean, Dolly Molli nger, René Lefèvre, Raymond Cordy, Gilberte Géniat. Type and story : Comedy with a musical background. Fiims iss Production Trois Valses (Three Waltzes). — Director : Ludwig Berger (of Playboy of Paris and Vagabond King). Cast : Yvonne Printemps, Pierre Fresnay, Henri Guisol, Gcnia Vaury, Guillaume de Sax, Jean Périer, Catherine Fontenay, etc. Type and story : Adaptation of the famous French operatta with music by Johann Strauss, Sr. and Jr., and Oscar Strauss. Ambitious film lavishly produced on the life of three famous acIresses in 1867, 190(1 and 1938. Expected to be one of the biggest productions of this year. La Bête Humaine (The H aman Beast). — Director : Jean Renoir (of La Grande Illusion and The Lower Depths). Cast : Jean Gabin, Simone Simon, Carette. Type and story : Film adaptation of Emile Zola’s famous novel. Love story dealing with the life of railwav men. Produced on a large scale and announced as a very big picture. L’extraordinaire petite Claude Norman qui chante et danse dans La Cité dts Lumières, dont Jean de Limur a fait la mise en scène. Hôtel du Nord ( North Hôtel). Director : Marcel Carné (of Jenny and The Foggy Quay). Cast : Annabella, Louis Jouvet, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Arletty. Type and story : Adaptation of a novel by Eugène Dabit with action set in a small hôtel in a popular district of Paris, along a canal. Love story of an unemployed boy and a young orphan. A strong drama with typical atmosphère. Important film. Conflit (Conflict). — Director : Léonide Moguy (of Prison sans Barreaux). Cast : Corinne Luchaire, Annie Ducaux, Raymond Rouleau, Jacques Copeau, Roger Duchesne, Dalio. Type and story : Moving melodrama relating to an important social problem. Starts as a détective story but moves into a psychological study. Interesting film by the sanie Producer and Director, and with the same stars as Prison sans Barreaux. La vie est magnifique ( Life “is wonderfull !). — Director : Maurice Cloche. Cast : Katia Lova, Jean Servais, Robert Lynen, Gilberte Clair. Type and story : Comedy ? ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ drama Romanlic story of two young couples. Many scenes shot in the beautiful countryside of the French Landes forest. Trois de Saint-Cyr. — Director : J. P. Paulin. Cast : Roland Toutain, Jean Mercanton, Jean Chavrier, Jean Worms, Hélène Perdrière. Type and story : Military drama. Story of three cadets from « Saint-Cyr », the ’amous French military school, and later, their life as officers, in the colonial army. ! Many outdoor scenes shot in South Tunis. An ambitious film produced with a large | coopération of the French Army. Yamilé sous les Cèdres. — Director : Charles-Louis d’Espinav. Cast : Charles Vanel, Denise Bosc, José Noguéro, Georges Pé j clet. Type and story : Romantic drama, adapted from the famous novel by Henry Bordeaux. Action set in Lebanon where outdoor scenes bave been actually shot. Retour à l’Aube ( Return at dawn). — I Director : Henri Decoin (of Abus de Confance); Cast : Danielle Darrieux, Pierre Dux, Jacques Dumesnil, Pierre Mingand; Type and story : Important production with the great French star Danielle Darrieux, of whom it is the second French picture since lier return from Hollywood. Action set in Hungary. Story adapted from a novel by Vicky Baum. Outdoor scenes aetually shot in Buda-Pest and in the beautiful Hungarian countryside. Frères Corses ( Corsican Brothers). — Director : Geo Kelber; Cast : Lucienne Lemarchand, Pierre Brasseur, Paul Azaïs, Aquistapace : Type and story : Typical melodrama on Corsican life. The story is based .en one these famous « vendettas ». Most of the film shot on location in the beautiful countryside of the «Isle of Beauty», in otlier words, Corsica. Otages ( Hostages ). — Director : Raymond Bernard; Cast : Annie Vernay, Charpin, Larquey; Type and story : Drama with action set in the French territory invaded by German armies during the Great War. Accord final ( The Last chord) (FraneoSwiss Production). — Director : I. R. Bay; Cast : Kate de Nagy, Georges Rigaud, Josette Day, Jules Berry; Type and story : j Sentimental story with as background the French National School of Music. Ourdoor scenes in Geneva. New Subjects Scheduled for Production Plans of production for the 1938-39 season are more important than ever. More than 80 films hâve been already announced. Among them, they are about twelve upon which work will start in the near future : Petite Peste, from Romain Coolus’ play, which Jean de Limur will direct. Clocliemerle, from Gabriel Chevallier’s famous novel. Entente Cordiale, a film on Edward VII to be written by André Maurois and directed by Marcel L’Herbier. Louise, Gustave Charpentier’s opéra which co-stars Grâce Moore in her first French film and the Fre:: h opéra ténor Georges Thill. The Postman Rings Always Twice, the famous American novel, to be directed by Pierre Chenal. La Grande Espérance, directed by Léon Poirier. Life of Guyncmer, to be directed by René Hervouin. The White Slave, starring John Lodge, to be directed by Mark Sorkin. Charlotte Corday, historieal drama starring Edwige Feuillère. Other important films are now in préparation and will be produced during the winter : Life of Dunant, founder of the Red Cross. Maya, to be directed by Jacques Fevder. La Rue des Vertus, an original story by Jacques Prévert, which will be directed by Marcel Carné with Jean Gabin starring. Elizabeth of Austria, to be produced by Ludwig Berger. Sérénade, a film on life of Franz Schubert. La Fin du Jour ( Twilight ), a Julien Duvivier’s production on life of old comedians. Business is Business, from the play by Octave Mirbeau. Girls’ College, byr Serge Veber. Quai des Orfèvres, a détective story. The Secred Law, to be directed by G.-W. Pabst. Sixth Floor, Life of Edmund Kean.