La Cinématographie Française (1939)

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. ' sÆr . 121 CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXl CIMETOiï&RAPHïE EXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: F R vl S E Paul Cambon, Georges Toureil as Capitaine ! Marchand, and in the fictional parts : | Pierre Richard-Willm as Capitaine Roussel, Janine Darcey as Sylvia Clayton, Bernard Lancrey as Jean Roussel. This film is a cavalcade of lhe FrancoBritish friendship starting at Fachoda in 1898 when the two countries nearly went in to war and ending with the Royal State Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in Paris, July 1938. Le Veau gras (The Fatted Calf). Prodiiced by Dimeco film and distrihuted hy iBscina. Directed by Serge de Poligny and adapted from the play hy Bernard Zi miner. Cast: Elvier Popesco, An dré Lefaur, Armand Bernard, Ee Vigan, Carine Nelson. An amuzing comedy with action in a little French provincial town. Le Dernier Tournant (The hast Corner). Produced by Gladiator film and directed by Pierre Chenal. Screen play: Charles Spaak. Cast: Fernand Gravey, Corinne Luchaire, Michel Simon, Robert Le Vigan, Aimos, Florence Marly. Dramatic picture adapted from the famous American novel by James Cain: The Postman Alumgs Rings Twice. Jeunes Filles en Détresse (Young Girls in Distress). Produced by Globe Film. Directed by G.-W. Pabst from an original slory by Peter Quinn. Cast: Marcelle Chantal, Jacqueline Delubac, Louisa and Victoria Carletti, Eli ne Labourdette, André Luguet and Sinoël. A moving film baser! on divorce and its conséquences. L’Or du Cristobal (Gold of «Cristobah). Produced by Béril Film. Directed by Jacques Becker. From A. T’serstevens’s novel. Cast: Dita Parlo, Albert Préjean, Charles Vanel, Concliita Monténégro. Story of modem pirates which want to seize a boat loaded with gold. Monsieur Brotonneau. Produced and distrihuted by Marcel Pagnol Pictures. ! Directed by Alex. Esway. From the play by Robert de Fiers and A. de Caillavet. | Cast : Raimu, Josette Day, Marguerite Pierry, Léon Bélières, Saturnin Fabre. A delightful comedy La Tradition de Minuit. Produced and directed by Roger Richebé. From Pierre Mac Orlan’s book. Cast: Viviane Romance, Georges Flamant, Pierre Larquey. Murder meîodrama set in a Paris suburd and in a night club of Montmartre. L’Entraîneuse (Dance Hostess). Produced by Ufa-A. C. E. (Berlin). Directed j by Albert Valentin. Original story and screen play by Charles Spaak. Cast: Michèle Morgan, Gilbert Gil, Andrex, Gisèle Préville. Terre de Feu (Terra del Fnego). Producted in Roma by Manenti Film. Directed by Marcel L’Herbier. Cast: Mireille Balin, Tito Schipa, Louisa Carletti, André Lefaur. Coups de Feu (Shots). Produced by Rex Film and distrihuted by R. A. C. Adapted from a novel by Alexander Pouchkine: « Duel ». Directed by René Barberis. Cast: Mireille Balin, Raymond Rouleau, Eric von Stroheim. A meîodrama based on the rivalry of two officers who are in the love with the same woman. Louise. Produced by Société Parisienne de Production de Films and directed by Abel Gance. Cast: Grâce Moore, Georges Th i 1 1 , Pernet, Suzanne Desprès, Ginette Leclerc. Adaptation from the famous opéra by Gustave Charpentier starring Grâce Moore in ber first French film. Thérèse Martin. Produced by P.F.C. Fernandel, Charpin, Suzy Prim sont les vedettes du film Berlingot et C", réalisé par Fernand Rivers Directed by Maurice de Canonge. Scénario by Henri Dupuy-Mazuel. Cast: Irène Corday (as Thérèse Martin), Geneviève Callix, Madeleine Soria, Lucien Galas. The life of Thérèse Martin, the famous carmélite nun at Lisieux Convenl, French Pictures Now in Production Le Jour se lève ( Daybreak ). Produced by Films Sigma and distrihuted by Films Vog. Directed by Marcel Carné. Screen play by Jacques Viot and Jacques Prévert. Cast: Jean lîabin, Jacqueline Laurent, Arletty, Jules Berry. Meîodrama introducing a workman who ki Ils a man to save bis girlfriend and finally commits suicide when the police wants to arrest him: Brazza of the Congo. Produced and directed bv Léon Poirier. Cast: Robert Darène (as Brazza), Thomy Bourdelle (as Stanley), Jean Galland (as Léopold II), René Fleur (as Clemenceau), Cahuzac (as Gambetta), René Navarre (as Jules Ferry). The story of the famous French explorer Savorgnan de Brazza who gave Congo to French. Cavalcade d’Amour ( Cavalcade of Love). Produced by Arnold Pressburger (Cipra). Directed by Raymond Bernard. Original story by Jean Anouilh and Jean Aurenche. Cast: Simone Simon, Corinne Luchaire, Janine Darcey, Claude Dauphin, Michel Simon, Blanchette Brunoy. Three different love stories wliich take place in the same French castle at three different periods: 1639, 1839 and 1939. The two first romances are unlucky, but lhe thrid one will hâve an liappy and. La Règle du Jeu (l'air Play). Produced, written and directed by Jean Renoir. Cast : Nora Gregor (Princesse Staremberg), Dalio, Mila Parély, Roland Toutain, Julien Carette, eJan Renoir, Paulette Dubost, Gaston Modot. A modem comedy wliich ends into a draina. La Loi du Nord (Laiv of the North). Produced by Filmos and distrihuted by Films Osso. Directed by Jacques Feyder. Adapted from a novel by Maurice Constantin Weyer. Cast: Michèle Morgan, Pierre Richard-willm, Charles Vanel, Jacques Téranne, Arlette Marchai. Meîodrama with action in New York and in North Canada. Outdoor scenes liave been produced in Lapland. Feu de Paille ( Short-Lived Blaze). Produced by Véga Film and distrihuted by C.F.C. Directed by Jean Benoît-Lévy and Marie Epstein. Adapted from the play by Henri Troyat. Cast: Lucien Baroux, Orane Demazis, Gaby Basset. A comedy-drama of wliich lhe action takes [ilace in the stage and cinéma circles. L’Homme du Niger (Man of the Niger). Produced by M. Dereumeaux (S.P.F.L.H.) and directed by Jacques de Baroncelli. Cast: Harry Baur, Victor Francen, Annie Ducaux, Jacques Dumesnil. A film on life of the French officers and colon in French west Africa. Fric-Frac. Produced and directed by Maurice Lehmann, with Claude Autan-Lara as technical director. Cast: Fernandel, Michel Simon, Arletty, Hélène Robert, Marcel Vallée. Adaptation of the play by Etienne Bourdet. Remorques (Steam Tugs) a sea draina from Roger Vercel’s novel to be directed by Jean Grémillon. Jean Gabin will star. New Pictures in Préparation or Announced Dernière Jeunesse, from Liam O’Flaherty’s novel: «End of à Life». To be directed by Jeff Musso (of The Puritan) with Raimu, Jacqueline Delubac and Pierre Brasseur. La Charrette Fantôme (The Phaiitom Carriage). A re-make by Julien Du vivier of lhe famous silent swedish film The Struck of Midnight. Sérénade, an épisode of Franz Schubert’s life wliich will be produced by Symp ho n y Film. Tempêtes sur Paris (Storin over Paris J, to be directed by Bernard Deschamps with Pierre Blanchar and Eric von Stroheim. La Nuit de Décembre (December’s Night), from B. Kellerman’s novel. Ivurt Bernhardt will direct. Ils étaient neuf Célibataires (Ni ne Rachelors...). This is lhe titie of Sacha Guitry’s new picture wliich will be produced next June with an all-star cast including Elvire Popesco, Betty Stockfeld, Geneviève de Saint-Jean, etc... Christopher Columbus, an ambitions historical picture wliich will be produced in French, English and Spanish and directed by Abel Gance with Victor Francen in lhe titled part. Mean. The life of the famous British actor Alexander Volkoff who made the silent version will direct. Jean-Louis Barrault as Kean, Véra Korène as the Comtess and Larquey as Kean’s huiler are in the cast. Sixième Etage (Sixth Floor). An adaptation of Alfred Gehri’s play, to be directed by Maurice Cloche. Chevauchée héroïque (Heroic Ride), to be directed hy Pierre Billon from an original story by Paul Bringuier. Le Monde tremblera (The Word Will Tremble) from a novel by Charles RobertDumas: «The Machine Predicting Deatli». Pièges, to be directed by Robert Siodmak. Cast will include Maurice Chevalier m his first dramatic part, Eric von Stroheim, Pierre Renoir. Rappel immédiat, to be directed by Léon Mathot. Lost Paradise, a film on Paris fasliion’s circles, co-starring Fernand Gravet and Elvire Popesco, to be directed by Abel Gance. Le Rouge et le Noir from Stendahl’s famous book. Madame Sans-Gêne, from Victorien Sardou’s play starring Viviane Romance. Pierre Autré.