La Cinématographie Française (1939)

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cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; CIIME R/tPHIE SE 139 cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; produced and directed by Jean d’Esme on lhe French Foreign Légion. Le Dernier Tournant ( The Last Corner). This adaptation of lhe fanions American novel « The jiostman always rings twice » by James Gain lias been directed by Pierre Chenal (of Alibi). Cast : Fernand Gravet, Corinne Luchaire, Michel Simon, Florence Marly and Robert Le Vigan. L’Entraîneuse ( Dance Hostess). A romantic comedy with action in a searesort of Ibe French Riviera. The film was produced in French by U.F.A.-A.C.F. in Berlin studios and on location in France. Director : Albert Valentin. The delightl'ul and moving French star Michèle Morgan leads lhe cast which includes also Gilbert Gil, Gisèle Préville and Andrex. Monsieur Brotonneau. A domestic comedy produced bv Marcel Pag'no] and directed by Alexander Fsway. The excellent French actor Raimu is starred in this witty filin as a man who leaves his unfaithful wife and goes to marry his young and charming secretary, a part played by Josette Day. Le Jour se lève ( Day-break ). Depressing melodrama introducing a worker who kills lhe former lover of his girlfriend and resists ail night in his room against lhe policemen and finally commits suicide. The picture tells in flashbacks the love story between Ibis worker and lhe girl. Outstanding technical work and lîrst class cast with Jean Gabin as the worker, Jules Berry as the murdered man, Arletty as a low stagegirl and Jacqueline Laurent as the heroin. Produced by Film Sigma and directed by Marcel Carné (of Le Quoi des Brumes). Thérèse Martin. An interesting film on the lil'e of ihe famous carmélite mm Sœur Thérèse de l’Enfant Jésus. Produced by P.F.G. and directed by Maurice de Canon ge. Fric Frac. Adaptation of a comedy by Edouard Bourdet with action in lhe Paris underworld. Fernandel, Arletty and Michel Simon play the leading characters of Ibis amuzing film whose ail dialogues are in underworld slang. Produced and directed by Maurice Lelimann. Coups de Feu ( Shots ). A melodrama bascd on the rivalry of two officiers in love with the saine woman. Casl includes Mireille Balin, Raymond Rouleau and Eric von Stroheim. Story adapted l'rom Pouclikine’s novel Duel. Directed by René Barberis. La Tradition de Mimait. A détective drama with action in a Paris suburb. Cast includes Viviane Romance, Georges Flamant, Pierre Larquey Produced and direcled by Roger Richebé. Pictures in the Cutting-Room or Awaiting Previews Louise. A film opéra adapted from Gustave Charpentier’s famous success with Grâce Moore as Louise in lier first French fil ni. Famous French singers or the Opéra Hou se Paris, Georges Th i 11 and André Per Sacha Guitry, réalisateur et vedette de son nouveau film Les Neuf Célibataires, entre deux prises de vues net co-star with lier. Produced by lhe Société Parisienne de Production de Films and directed by Abel Gance. Sans Lendemain (With no day after). Dramatic story of a l'allen woman who meets a real love but too late. Edwige Feuillère stars in the film of which the cast also includes Georges Rigaud and Jean Worms. Produced by Gregor Rabinovistch and directed by Max Ophuls. Terre de Feu (Terra del Fuyo). A dramatic adventure in South America. Cast : Mireille Balin, Tito Schipa, Louisa Carletti, André Lefaur. Produced in Raly by Manenti film and directed by Marcel L’Herbier. Cavalcade d'Amour (Cavalcade of love). Three different love stories al three different limes : 1639, 1839 and 1939. Janine Darcey, Simone Simon and Corinne Luchaire play respectively the three different heroines of these stories which take place in lhe saine XVlth Century French castle. Claude Dauphin and Michel Simon play in the three épisodes. Produced by Arnold Pressburger and directed bv Raymond Bernard. La Règle du Jeu (Fair Play). A modem comedy written, produced, directed and played by famous French director of Grand Illusion Jean Renoir. Action takes place in a castle of the French Provinces and studies with a very satirist touch varions characters of the owner, his guests and his servants. This comedy which turns into a drama was produced by a new company N.E.F. The cast includes Nora Gregor (Princess Staremberg), Dalio, Carette, Mila Parély, Roland Toutain, Gaston Modot, Paulette Dubost and Jean Renoir. Dernière Jeunesse (End of a life). This novel by lhe Irish writer Liam O’Flaherty (author of The Informer) is the subject of a French film produced in Italy by Discina and directed by Jeff Musso (of The Pnritan). The cast includes Raimu, Jacqueline Delubac and Pierre Brasseur. Le Paradis perdu (Lost Paradise). An ambitions film with action taking place in the Paris fashion’s circle before lhe Great War and nowadays. The cast includes so Fernand Gravey, Micheline Preste, Elvire Popesco, Jany Holt, Monique Rolland, Gérard Landry, Alerme, Anne Byron, Carine Nelson, Robert Le Vigan. It was produced by Joseph Than and directed by Abel Gance. Rappel immédiat (Immédiate Recall). An original story with action taking place at a time of international crisis. The picture is narrated on about the saine lines as « Grand Hôtel ». Aile-star cast including Mireille Balin, Eric von Stroheim, Roger Duchesne, Bernard Lancret, Aimos. Directed by Léon Mathot and produced by Milo films. L’Emigrante (Emigrant Girl). Story of a mysterious woman on a boat of émigrants bound to South Africa. Edwige Feuillère stars in this film produced and directed by Léo Joannon with a cast including Jean Chevrier, Larquey, Georges Lannes, Aimos. Pièges (Traps). A mysterious film about young women who disappear. Cast: Maurice Chevalier, Eric von Stroheim, Pierre Renoir and the new discovered actress Marie Dea. Produced by Spéva film and directed by Robert Siodmak. Le Café du Port. A love story with a big French harbour as background. Produced by C.F.C. and directed by Jean Choux. Cast : René Darv, Line Viala, Aimos. Feu de Paille (Short-lived blaze). A comedy-drama on a boy who becomes a big film star. Cast : Lucien Baroux, Orane Demazis, Jean Fuller — the boy — Gaby Basset, Jane Helbling, Aimos, Florence Luchaire. Produced by C.F.C. and directed by Jean Benoit-Lévy (of La Maternelle). Le Monde tremblera (The world shakes). Story of a doetor who lias invented a machine foretelling deatli and of the conséquences. Claude Dauphin plays the part of the doetor with a cast including Roger Duchesne, Eric Von Stroheim, Carette, Madeleine Sologne. Produced by C.I.C.C. and directed by Richard Pottier.