La Cinématographie Française (1937)

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214 {#*>»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ CINE m,R/\PHOE SE ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ THE THREE BEST AWARDS OF THE VENICE BIENNAL CONFIRM QUALITY OF THE FRENCH PRODUCTION MORE B1G PICTUKtS EOR 1937-1938 “French pictures head European Production” was the title given, in the English speaking section of our last spécial issue, to the story on the French Cinéma Industry. Since then our statement has been brilliantly confirmed by the three major prizes awarded French pictures at the International Film Exposition at Venice, this year. These three French pictures, very different in style, story and in treatment, but equal in quality and in entertainment value, were accorded tliese honours by the unanimous verdict of the International Jury which judged the 40 films entered by the 16 nations participating in the Exposition. The French awards are as follows : Best Foreign Film (Duce Cup) : Un Carnet de Bal (Dance Programme), directed by Julien Duvivier, original story by Julien Duvivier, screen play by Henri Jeanson, Bernard Zimmer and Jean Sarment, starring 8 of the most important French actors : Harry Baur, Marie Bell, Pierre Blanchar, Fernandel, Louis Jouvet, Raimu, Françoise Bosay and Pierre-Richard Willm, (Films Vog). Most Complété Film (The International Jury’s Cup) : La Grande Illusion (The Great Illusion), directed by Jean Renoir, original story by Jean Renoir and Charles Spaak, screen play by Charles Spaak. Cast: Jean Gabin, Pierre Fresnay, Erich von Stroheim, and Dita Parlo. (Réalisations d’Art Cinématographique). Best “scénario” (story and screen play) (Cup of the General Italian Cinéma Direction) . Les Perles de la Couronne (Pearls of the Crown), directed by Sacha Guitry, and Christian Jaque, original screen play by Sacha Guitry. The large cast includes : Sacha Gruitry, Jacqueline Delubac, Lyn Harding, Enrico Glori, Ermete Zacconi, Raimu, Marguerite Moreno, Yvette Pienne, etc., etc. (Imperia Productions). Thus three French pictures bave been recognized as being high on the list of International Productions. It is to be noted that these three films hâve a strong and spécial international appeal. Each of them includes scenes in foreign countries, in which the native language of the country is spoken, and taking into account the nationality of the characters portrayed. In La Grande Illusion, French characters speak French, German speak German, Russian, the Russian language and Englishmen, English. The same idea is to be found in Les Perles de la Couronne, and, in a smaller degree, in Un Carnet de Bal. French sub-titles in each of the three Skias render the dialogue comprehensive to French audiences. This original System, launched in French films, at the Venice Animal awards feast, opens a new way to the International Film. It is certain that the jury took this point into considération when judging the films. Due to their artistic and personal qualifies which differ so much from pictures made “en série”, French pictures may even prove a dangerous eompetitor, on the nonEnglish speaking markets, for the American Production, as by their stories, their treatment, their artistic value and their spirit, they are often nearer the Continental European mentality than American films. FIRST FRENCH PRODUCTIONS OF THF. 1937-1938 SEASON SHOWN IN PARIS The new Cinéma season just opened in Paris and several of the best French Productions are starting first runs in Paris théâtres. Foreign buyers hâve already at their disposai an important number of excellent French films which show promise of having successful careers, not only in France but also in foreign countries. Here is a list of the most important French productions of the new season, released up to date : Les Perles de la Couronne was already mentioned with details in our June quarterly issue. This film has been showing in Paris without interruption since May 1 4 1 h . Still showing at the Imperial-Pathé Cinéma on the Boulevard after a 14-week run at the Marignan, where it broke ail records, its popularity shows no signs of abating. La Grande Illusion which started its career in June at the Marivaux and made exceptionally good receipts during three months at this theatre. It had to be taken off to give place to : Un Carnet de Bal. — This film which started its first run on September 9th at the Marivaux Theatre made, in its first week, nearly 600.000 francs, thereby breaking ail Paris box office records. Une scène du 61m Le Chanteur de Minuit Vue prise à St Laurent-du-Var by Pierre Autré and B. Fraser Gribouille. — Original story and screen play by Marcel Achard, and directed by Marc Allegret, with Raimu and a new French star, Michèle Morgan, who makes her screen début in this film, and who has been engaged by Hollywood on the strentgh of her acting in it. Le Messager. This is a very clever adaptation, by Marcel Achard, of the famous play by Henry Bernstein. Tlianks to Achard and to the director, Raymond Rouleau, this play has been turned into a real film, full of movement and emotional interest. Direction is excellent and the African background, perfect. This drama is played with intelligence and talent by three outstanding French stars : Jean Gabin, Gabv Morlay and Jean-Pierre Aumont. Abus de Confiance. — A moving drama, from an original story by the French writer, Pierre Wollf, starring Danielle Darrieux who has just left for Hollywood where she has heen engaged by Universal. Her husband, Henri Decoin directed this film and the cast also includes Charles Vanel, Valentine Tessier and Pierre Mingand. Le Mensonge de Nina Petrovna (Nina Petrovna’s Lie). — A film bearing the same title, produced by Ufa, in Berlin in 1929, and starring Brigitte Helm and Francis Lederer, was a great success. The Russian director, Tourjansky has just made a French talking version of this film with many changes in the story. It is a romantic drama, with action set in pre-war days in Petersbourg and in Vienna. Fernand Gravey and Isa Miranda, now in Hollywood are the stars of this film. La Citadelle du Silence (Citadel of Silence). — An artistic film, directed by Marcel l’Herbier. Action is in Poland, before the Great War. Annabella is the star of this film, which is the last one she made in France before leaving for Hollywood. In the supporting cast are : Pierre Renoir, Bernard Lancret, A. Rignault, Robert le Vigan and Lucas Gridoux. Les Secrets de la Mer Rouge (Secrets of the Red Sea). — For the first time a dramatic film has been made on location in French Somaliland and the isles of the Red Sea. The story is by Henry de Monfreid, the famous French adventurer, who spent a large part of his life in those countries and who plays in the film as “himself”. The subject is authentic and gave the director, Richard Pottier, the possibilities of bringing to the screen the real atmosphère of those countries. Harry Baur, the famous French actor is the star of this film, and he is seconded by Raymond Segard and Gaby Basset. La Bataille Silencieuse (The Silent Battle. — Taken from a well known détective novelby Jean Bommart, “The Chinese Fish”, this