The law of motion pictures (1918)

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APPENDIX 765 publisher, of short passages from published literary works not themselves published for the use of schools in which copyright subsists: Provided that not more than two of such passages from works by the same author are published by the same publisher within five years, and that the source from which such passages are taken is acknowledged : (v) The publication in a newspaper of a report of a lecture delivered in public, unless the report is prohibited by conspicuous written or printed notice affixed before and maintained during the lecture at or about the main entrance of the building in which the lecture is given, and, except whilst the building is being used for public worship, in a position near the lecturer; but nothing in this paragraph shall affect the provisions in paragraph (i) as to newspaper summaries : (vi) The reading or recitation in public by one person of any reasonable extract from any published work. (2) Copyright in a work shall also be deemed to be infringed by any person who — (a) sells or lets for hire, or by way of trade exposes or offers for sale or hire; or ( b ) distributes either for the purposes of trade or to such an extent as to affect prejudicially the owner of the copyright; or (c) by way of trade exhibits in public; or ( d ) imports for sale or hire into any part of His Maj esty’s dominions to which this Act extends, I