The law of motion pictures (1918)

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816 APPENDIX (а) if the work is a book, by causing to be inserted in the several copies of every edition published during the term secured, on the title page, or on the page immediately following; or, (б) if the work is a map, chart, musical composition, print, cut, engraving or photograph, by causing to be impressed on the face thereof ; or, (c) if the work is a volume of maps, charts, music, engravings or photographs, by causing to be impressed upon the title page or frontispiece thereof; the words, — “Copyright, Canada, 190 , by A. B.” 7-8 Ed. VII., c. 17, s. 1. 2. As regards paintings, drawings, statuary and sculptures, the signature of the artist shall be deemed a sufficient notice of such proprietorship. R. S., c. 62, s. 12. 15. The author of any literary, scientific or artistic work or his legal representatives, may, pending the publication or republication thereof in Canada, obtain an interim copyright therefor by depositing at the Department a copy of the title or a designation of such work, intended for publication or republication in Canada. 2. Such title or designation shall be registered in an interim copyright register at the Department to secure to such author aforesaid or his legal representatives, the exclusive rights recognized by this Act, previous to publication or republication in Canada. 3. Such interim registration shall not endure for more than one month from the date of the original publication elsewhere, within wffiich period the wrork shall be printed or reprinted and published in Canada. 4 In every case of interim registration under this Act