The law of motion pictures (1918)

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APPENDIX 847 performance of the same works by means of these instruments. The limitations and conditions relative Each country to the application of this article shall be !° [fegt?late for determined by the domestic legislation of ner in which each country in its own case; but all limita Convention tions and conditions of this nature shall sha11 apply‘ have an effect strictly limited to the country which shall have adopted them. The provisions of paragraph 1 have no Not retroacretroactive effect, and therefore are not tlve> applicable in a country of the Union to works which, in that country, shall have been lawfully adapted to mechanical instruments before the going into force of the present Convention. The adaptations made by virtue of para importation graphs 2 and 3 of this article and imported of mechanical without the authorization of the parties htoitedCeS Pr°~ interested into a country where they are not lawful, may be seized there. Article 14 Authors of literary, scientific or artistic Reproduction works have the exclusive right to authorize by cinematothe reproduction and the public representa graph' tion of their works by means of the cinematograph. .... Cinemato Cmematographic productions are protected graphic produc as literary or artistic works when by the tions protected.