The law of motion pictures (1918)

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852 APPENDIX Will furnish information as to copyright. Annual report of Director of International Bureau. Expenses of the International Bureau to be shared by contracting states. Method of sharing expenses. concerning the purpose of the Union. The governments of the countries of the Union reserve the right to authorize the Bureau by common accord to publish an edition in one or more other languages, in case experience demonstrates the need. The International Bureau must hold itself at all times at the disposal of members of the Union to furnish them, in relation to questions concerning the protection of literary and artistic works, the special information of which they have need. The Director of the International Bureau makes an annual report on his administration, which is communicated to all the members of the Union. Article 23 The expenses of the Bureau of the International Union are shared in common by the contracting countries. Until a new decision, they may not exceed sixty thousand francs per year. This sum may be increased when needful by the simple decision of one of the Conferences provided for in Article 24. To determine the part of this sum total of expenses to be paid by each of the countries, the contracting countries and those which later adhere to the Union are divided into six classes each contributing in proportion to a certain number of units, to wit: