The law of motion pictures (1918)

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APPENDIX 855 corresponding provisions of the present Convention. Article 26 The contracting countries have the right Accession for to accede at any time to the present Conven colonies of fortion tor their colonies or foreign possessions. sions They may, for that purpose, either make a general declaration by which all their colonies or possessions are included in the accession, or name expressly those which are included therein, or confine themselves to indicating those which are excluded from it. This declaration shall be made known in writing to the Government of the Swiss Confederation, and by the latter to all the others. Article 27 The present Convention shall replace, in Present Conthe relations between the contracting States, ventlon t0 re_ the Convention of Berne of September 9, veml^and^d1886, including the Additional Article and the ditionai Articles. Final Protocol of the same day, as well as the Additional Act and the Interpretative But Beme Declaration of May 4, 1896. The conven Convention retional acts above-mentioned shall remain in â„¢ains in force between coun force in the relations with the States which do tries not signanot ratify the present Convention. tory to present The States signatory to the present Con Conventlonvention may, at the time of the exchange of