The law of motion pictures (1918)

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856 APPENDIX Signatory States may declare themselves bound by former Conventions upon certain points. Convention to be ratified not later than July 1, 1910. Instrument to be filed with Swiss Government. Convention to take effect three months after exchange of ratifications. Withdrawal from the Convention. ratifications, declare that they intend, upon such or such point, still to remain bound by the provisions of the Conventions to which they have previously subscribed. Article 28 The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Berlin, not later than the first of July, 1910. Each contracting party shall send, for the exchange of ratifications, a single instrument, which shall be deposited, with those of the other countries, in the archives of the Government of the Swiss Confederation. Each party shall receive in return a copy of the proces-verbal of the exchange of ratifications, signed by the Plenipotentiaries who shall have taken part therein. Article 29 The present Convention shall be put into execution three months after the exchange of the ratifications and shall remain in force for an indefinite time, until the expiration of one year from the day when denunciation of it shall have been made. This denunciation shall be addressed to the Government of the Swiss Confederation. It shall be effective only as regards the country which shall have made it, the Conven