Library of Congress catalog: Motion pictures and filmstrips; a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards (1953)

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Library of Congress Catalog — Motion Pictures and Filmstrips Edinburgh — festival city {Filmntrip) Uritish Ministry of Kducution. 1049. Produced by Ontral Office of Information, Ltmdoii. ileleiised in the U. S. by British Information Services. 105(1. Festival of Mm British Inforiiiiillon Servli>« Edinburgh Festival of Music and Drama [Motion picture) British Board of Trade, 1947. Made bv Merlin Film Co., London, fur the Britisli Central Office of Information. Released in the U. S. by British Information Services, 1948. Released in Canada by United Kingdom Information Office, Ottawa. 11 mlD.. sd , bJkw. 18 aim. (This is Britain, do 20) tbe festival, Ha torchlight d . Brit, I'olted Kingdom iDrormallon Office, Ottawa (3e 'hls Is Britala IMntloo picture) no. 20) 780.7941 Fi A 52-767 ThomaB Alva, 1847-1931 The wonder of the phonogr^h. Edison Institute (Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village) Dearborn, Mich. Greenfield Village la an adventure in history. The Museum is a story. Edition Tokyo (.)/«; Mept, of the Army. . Tokyo. 2, Liberty of the press— Japan. Editorial Film Productions, ltd. , London see The silver haul. Drums along the Mohawk. Edmund Grainger Productions, Los Angeles Grainger (Edmund) Productions, Los Angeles. Educating father (.Uo/lon pirture) ieiicliiii;,' Film Custo '■i.iiri xl.lviw, iflmm. (Human retallons series) KM.r[.is friJin 2<)(h Century-Fox Film Cor[>.'s 193G iiiolion |>li'mre "I till. Miiiii> title; |irc|mred for artioiil iise liv the Coniiiiisslnn on Humiiii KHliirioiiK i.r the ProKrwwive Ediicatii.ii As»K-lati.in_ .vrijiiiijiji ,/ u in-ii a high achool (tradiiHte. doteruilned to study avlnll.|ri,(jij(iri..N «iili Ms father who wants hira to be a druggist like hlmfM^ir, till I.OJ h -mminmrher points out that the father ran away to ite 11 'l|'ii.'j;t''i «lii-M hlH uwn father wantnl hfia to stay home and farm, ( Mifid; nirector, Jumea TlnUnc: nrlglnal screenplay, Katharine i\a\.n)iin:li, Kdwurd f. Lowe. John Patrii-k; mualc director, Samuel I 'iv,„ iiii, Film CuBtodlans, fnc n. Twentieth Centurj-Pnx Film ^.<i|....jiii..r. irr. American Kihi.-iitlon Fellowship. Cmniissloii on tiOTpirtureV """ ^'"'''*^' """"'" '■'''"""•"* ^'"■'''^ '*'« •IV.icliiri-KlliM Ciisindliin. ^"' -^^2-4944 Education (/-ilmstrip) Curriculum Films, 1951. ;tii fr , ■ ■•Un; 35 mm, (Natureof democracy .series] KiM-il v,-isl„i, .,f the liMT fliiustrlp. ' " ■ I ^lll iriH Unit In "Fnlrtown." at ''I I I In riillest, and to prepari 1 democratic comre voters for their IS, inc., New York. Educational Frojertloi Education and health (Motion j/irture) Progressive Pictures ill coopi'intion with the Mexican Ministry of Education, , the Normal ('ullege. t classroomn of Education and health {Motiojv pirture) Progressive Pictui in cooperation with the Mexican Ministry of Educatic ig.-i-l. II niln., sd , Wfcw, 16 mm. (Our Spanish speuklng nelghtwmi Spanish veralon released under the same title. Summarv: Shows the educational opportunities of Mexico by parlson of urban and rural schools and by visits to r the College of Medicine, B of the cities, and n I. Education— Mexico. 2. Hygiene, Public— Mexico. i. Progreailve Pictures. Oaklj • ■ ^ ~ . twra (Motion plctur Education for all (Motiou picture) Harmon Foundation, ). Oakland. Catff. Series : Our Spanish speaking neJgti370.97'2 Ki A 5:i-&44 Silent V has done to give free study opportunity to fts people. ° A 1. Sew ■. Ben Gri Education for all American children: Summary — Teach them alt (FilmufHp) Dept. of Elementary School Principals, National Education Association, 1948. 50 fr,. b&w, 35 mm, hook Education for all American children, by the Edu l Policies Ommlsslon. 8utnmarj/: Illui I Policies Commlssloi iilidreo in the futui meotary School Principals, n. Educational Policies CommlssloD. Education for ail American children, ra. Teach them all (Fllmstrlp) 372.973 Fi A 55-5588 Oregon. State Extension Center, Portland. Library Education for the deaf (Motion picture) British Council, IMtl. Produced by Data Film I'liit, I.K)ndon. Released in the r. S.'by British Infoim.itioii Services. Released in Canada by United Kingdom Itifonnation Office. Ottawa. Iteleased also under the title Triumph over deariieaa, and In a short version under the title Triumph over deafness. Surnmary: Shows snme of the clfnlcs and schools for deaf children and presents the methods of teaching deaf children to apeak. "" ' ■ ' xjmmenlary. Jack Ellltt; commentator, r of photography, Earl Griffith: camera Credi. lan, Wolfgang Suschltzky. IV. Title: Triumph 3:i.!>li> Fi A 5^-076 Education for the deal (Motion picture) see Triumph over deafness. Education in a democracy {Filmstrip) Curriculum Fihns, 1950. With manual. Museum Bx tension Education in China {Motion pirture) Ha: (China, our neighbor lltlonnl methods of edi lethods, tracing the history of education In S3 education I Foundation, Harmon Foundation ^ cblld toward phyalcaJ I. Illinois. UuiviTnlty. Fi A 56-825 The education of Steve Smith (Motion picture) Harmon Foundation (U. d.j SttmmarT/i A story about a college student wbo leams aelfleMn^B. 170.9 Fi A 54r-.1834 Educational Developmental Laboratories Controlled exposure. Sets A-N. Controlled exposure. Shorthand: [Seta, STA-STB. Controlled exposure. Typewnting: (Set, TTA. Controlled reading. Shorthand: (Set, SRA. Controlled reading. Tj-pewriting: i (Seto, TRA-TRB. Controlled reading. Unit lA. Controlied reading. Unit 2A. Controlled readiDg. Unit 3A. CoQtn^ed readii^. Unit 4A. CmtroUed readiqg. Uiut4B. Etiucational Film Enteiprlses, inc. , Los Angeles see The laat waltz (The Anschluss) The light of Ethiopia. The Munich tragedy. The re-birth of a nation, Czechoslovakia. Educational Film Exchanges, inc. see Battle of the centuries. Inside bas^all. lOllers. EudcatlCHial Film Institute, New York University see New York University. Educational Film bistltute. Educational Film Library Association see Introduction to the airplane. Educational Films Corporation ol America see Animal cunning. The Chesapeake Bay retriever. Descriptive geography. Dog days. Fair weather clouds. Foul weather clouds. The game of jai -alai . Qrtry Owl's little brother. How to ski. Nature's songsters. Ornamental swimming. The private life of the gannets. Return of the buffalo. The Seeing Eye. Song birds of the north woods. We live in two worlds. Work of rivers. Work of waves. Work of winds. Educational Filmstrips. Huntsvllle, Tex. see Parliamentary procedure in action. Winning the beef show made easy . Winning the dairy show made easy. Winning the hog show made easy. Educational Fotmdatlon tor Visual Aids, London The spectrograph. Educational Pictures, Inc. Across America In ten minutes. The animal fair. Any way to get there. Beneath our feet. Born to die. City of wax. Desert demons. Down on the farm. Fury of the storm. Jungle giants. Krakatoa. Sawdust sidelights. The sea. Traffic. The veldt. Wonder trail.