Library of Congress catalog: Motion pictures and filmstrips; a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards (1953)

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Library of Congress Catalog— Motion Pictures and Filmstrips Emergency Bret aid (Fihn^trip) V. S. Federal Civil Defense A.Iniini?tration. 1953. Summarv Stresses the importaDce of Q knowlHlee of first al<l nad Bhows various first aid technlquca. particularly the application of a tourniquet and artificial respiration. 1. First aid In lUness and Injury. i, U. S. Federal ClfU Defense Admlnlatratlon. IT. S. Office of Education. Emergency hospital (Motion picture) Bel-Air Productions. Beleased bv United Artists C^rp., 1950. 62ailu.. sd',. b4w, 35a>m. Sumtnary: k melodrama portraying tlie widely varying probieoia of the DBtieoifi who are brought Into a Los Angeles receiving hospital t during a melTehour night shift. och; director, Lee St ' , Paul Dunlap; film for emergency and screenplay. Don Mart . Koch; director, Lee Sbolem : story Rtta Johnson. Jol ; Margaret Lindsay, Walter Reed. Byron Palmer, Hollywood, Calif, n. United Artists C«r Fi 67-617 Emergency landing on land (Motion picture) U. S. Navy Dept., 1947. Made by United Productions of America. Released for public educational use through U. S. Civil Aeronautics Administration, 1949. 6mlD sd biw. 16 mm, t Flight safety series) Order no. UN JSSS-k. landings. tr, S. Office of E 9 and don't' Series: Flight safety t •629.126 629.13252 Visual Education Service Emergency seaplane float repair (Fi?m^trip) Jam Handy Organizntion. 19-12. fi3 fr., I)4w. 3.'i mm. (Aircraft mechanics, no. 17) tiu/nmani: Shows methods of bringing the float repair liU Into acid or from u base of p type of repair to be made. 1. Seaplanes — Maintenance and repair. i. Jam Handy Organization, Inc. Series: Aircraft mechanics (Fllmstrlp) no. 17. 629.133347 Fi A 54-1517 Jam Handy Organlwitlon Emergency eeaplBiie float repair (Filmetrip) see Emergency seaplane r^air. Emergency seaplane repair (Filmetrip) U. S. Dept. of the Nnvv. I94:i. Released for public educsitional use Uirough V. 8. OlHce of EduCHtion, 194H. 43 fr.. b&w.. S.-! mm. Order do. SN 1996. Revised version of Jam Handy Orguiiizatiiin's 1041; flimstrlii released under the title Emergency seaplane float rei Bummnry: How to temporarily seal holes in boats and seaplanes both at sea and when beached. 1. Seaplanes— Mai nteiia of flying V. S. Navy Dept. •620.1.^? 629.13.XS48 Emergency total colectomy with fleoproctostomy {MoHon picture) Philip Thorek, 1950. Bummarv: Primary anastomosis Is performed In a case neceflsltating emergency total colectomy because of multiple perforationa In the large bowel resulting from stercoral \ Anatomy) — Surgery, 2. Colon (Anatomy) — Cancer. 617.43 Fi A 57-470 e rectosigmoid. For medical profession. _ _.. _ _tomy) — Surge " ~ ~ [. Thorek, I'hillp. American Cancer Society. Emerson Film Coiporation, North Hollywood, Calif. Abraham Lincoln. Benjamin Franklin. Daniel Boone. Horace Mann. James Fenimore Cooper. Lewis and Clark. Robert Cavelier, sieur de La Salle. Thomas Jefferson. Emerson Yorke Studio, New York see Bill Bailey and the four pillars . A boy, a bat and a baseball. Fish is food. King cobra. Moku hanga. Report on Puerto Rico. This way to nursing. Virgin Island visit. Who's -who at the Bronx Zoo. Emerson's New England (Filmstrip) Life. 1950, Produced by Science Pictures. 60 fr., l>&w,35mm. With lecture aolen. Sutnmarf/: Quotations from Emeraon, Thoreau, HinUhorne, itnd Bronsoa Alcott, with pictures of Concord and the HnrroiiiKilng country. 1. Concord, Maaa. — Deacr. — Views. 2. Quotations, Ainerlcnn I. Life (Chicago) ii. Science Picture*. Inc., New York. 917.444 Fi 52-1101 rev Emily Dickinson (FUmstrip) Encyclopaedia Britannica Films 1954. Made by William P. Gottlieb Co. 48 fr., color, 35 mm. (American poets) Eastman color. Summary: A biographical account of the life of Emily Dickinson depleting her withdrawal from a full social life to a secluded existence which was brightened by her boundl(>ss poetic Imagination. Includes Captioned drawings. . Encyclopfedln Britannica Creiits: Collaborator, Harol 1. Dickinson, Emily, 1830-1886. Series: American poets (PUmstrlp) Emmanuel (FUnu^trip) Concordia Pub. House, 1952. Summary: A re-enactment of the story of Christ's birth. 232.921 Fi 53-1034 Emmons, Delia Florence (Gould) Sacajawea of the Sho shone B see The far horizons. Emory University, Atlanta. School of Dentistry see EUstolc^cal technique. Emotional health (Motion pi<fi,re) McCnaw-Hill liook Co., 1948. Miide by Au.lio Productions. Suppiemeutary filmatrlp of tht* aame title also avullnlile. Correlated with the hook Healthful lIvhiR, by Harnld S. DIehl, Hummaru: Sliow8 that emotional upsets are common among people of college age, explains tluit If a disturbance of this kind Is prolonged, strates the basic lechnlques of psychiatric treatment. F"or college and IMS) p. 404— Journal Mentalhyglene. 2. Psychotherapy. _ i. Dlehl, Harold Sheely, Series: of med. education, v. 27 (1962) 1. Mental hygiene. 2. Psycli 1891 Healthful living, ii. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Emperor waltz ,andj You and you [Motion picture) Castle Films, 1951. I, plays selections I rg Fest Ballets. Salzburg Festival. e (K'chestra. conducted liy Karl with it Imllet by ineiiilters of tht 1825-1899. KaiserWalzer, CasUe Flima Divl iin. ISl^S-lSUf). Die Fledermaus. Du i The emperor's new clothes (Filmstrip) Teaching Aida Service, 1956. 35 f: r, 35n e title. peror was taken in by two men who made him believe be was buying ■ eautlful new clothes, which In reality turned out to be nothing at all. Credit*: Story adaptation, Gertrude Jacobs; art, Mildred Carle: T. R. McCrory. . Hans Christian, 1805-1ST5. Kejserens nve klieder. Fi A 56-2105 beautiful n Credit »: photography, J. R. McCrory. n. Teaching * Teaching Aid: The emperor's new clothes (Motion picture) United Productions of America. Released by Columbia Pictures Corp., 1953. 7 mln., sd., color, 35 mm. < Jolly frolics i Technicolor. Baaed on the story of the same title by Hun.>< Christian .\ndersen Summary: A vain and gullible emperor is duped by two tuUors who prepare l »hll :, Hane Conried. jidenen, Hans C 1 Productions of Serlea : Jolly frolics (Motion picture Fi 53-771 Empire Gas and Fuel Company, ltd. , Wellsville, N. Y. Get safety in your system. En^)ire Sales Training Center, inc. , Buffalo see A fistful of future. Empire State Building {Motion picture) World in Color Productions (H. d.j 4 mln., si., color, 16 mm. (World in Color travel aeries) Kodachrome, Summary: Shows the Empire State Building in New York City. Includes scenes of the observatory, interiors, etc. Another issue, b&w, Another issue. 8 mm. Another issue, b&w, 8 mm. 1. New York. Empire SUte Building. i. World In Color FroductlOQB, Elmlra, N. Y. 917.471 Fi A 54-3898 World In Color Produc tlons Empire Studios, inc., Orlando* Fla. see Yellowneck, L Employment Interviewing. Perwinnel management. The employment interview (M mapsgement serlea (Fllmstrlp) lanagTOieBTThy Walter Dill •658.311 331.115 Fi 64-1219 The employment interview (Motion picture) McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1953. Correlated with the book Personnel management, by Walter Dill Scott. Robert C. Clothier, nnd William R. Sprlegel. compel en' e filled by t 1. Employment inti Personnel management. il-plann. , Matthew J. Murphy. t opening!, in t Walter Dill, im» v-Hlll Book Company, Enameling (Filmn(i-ip) Centron Corp. Released by Young America Films, IfTiO. 41 fr., color, 35 mm. (Jewelry and silversmlthlng series) With teacher's guide. Summary: Describes enameling in detail, from preparation of the metal object to final pollBhlog and cleaning. Demonstrates techniques of firing and discusses enameling methods, such as counter enameling, steadied enamels, agrafiilto ennmeUog, slush enameling, and dry sift enameling. " '■' idvlser. uanyieu. smitJ_ . CeotroQ Corporation, loc, I^w> Young America Pllma enameling on copper. Steps shown Include the selection of deslgc tracing, cutting. Sling, cleaning the metal, and various techniques c enamel decoration. Credita: Producers, Lola M. Tweedale, Jack N. Corbett; narratoi Lottett Prodoctlona Encephalographic studies in extrapyramidal diseases (Motion picture) S. Philip (loodhart and Benjamin Harris Balser, 11)44. 14 mln., si., bAw, 16 mm. ( Neuropsychlatric disorders) With manual. Neurological cinematographic atlas, by S. P. Good [. Balser. 1 changes In the ventricular a Neoropsychiatrlc disorders (MoUon picture) 616.83 New York Univ. Film Ubrary tiire) Czechoslovak State U. S. by Official Films, I enchants a mill and puts the ranger for aid. He attacks the The enchanted miller (Moti. Film, Prague. Relpased 195'2. 10mln.,8d.. color. 1« mm Summary: When a water < workers to flight, they turn tr demon and succeeds In coat tails and chenglng It Another issue. Another issue. I. £e9ko8lovensk.< slAi Official Films Encyclcpaedia Britannica Films, inc. see Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln, the pioneer. Abraham Lincoln, the statesman. Adjectives. Adventures of a baby fox: a story in rhyme. Adventures of Bunny Rabbit. Adventures of Peter. Adverbs. The age of mammals. Agriculture, Russia. The air. Air around us, Aix tran^ortatlon. Airplane changes our world map. AlrpUn* trip. An alrplAn* trip. Airport. Alaska. Alaska, re8er\'oir of resources. Alimentary tract. Allergies. The American buffalo. An American farmer. The American flag: the story of Old Glory,