Life and Lillian Gish (1932)

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La Boheme" 215 "All on the Metro lot were so kind to me. Little Norma Shearer dressed next door, and helped me in many ways. Marion Davies was another who was considerate and kind. They had been there several years before I came, and were a great comfort. After 'Boheme' was produced, Marion Davies wrote me a very beautiful letter." In Picture Play, Margaret Reid, an extra in "La Boheme," has written a luminous article, from which I am going to quote, trusting in her good heart to forgive me: Miss Gish arrived on the same day that the elaborate dressingroom suite designed for her was rushed to completion. . . . After a polite but systematic search of the studio I discovered her on the lawn, talking to one of the heads. She wore a severely plain white coat and a close hat of plain rose felt, and carried a heavy black book in her arms. No make-up, not even powder, marred the healthy, translucent, perfect complexion. . . . Lillian thinks that the first scene of "La Boheme" was made in Mimi's attic, which is doubtless correct, for Miss Reid speaks of something having been done before she was called — before various of the ladies and gentlemen were instructed to come out and be fitted for attire of the year 1830. I happened to be among the fortunate, and was soon gowned in a lovely costume of hideous brown serge and a gray flannel cape. The keepers of the M-G-M wardrobe are the nicest wardrobe women in Hollywood, but even their elastic patience is tried on days when the picture and scene require a mediocre costuming of extras. Their sympathetic ears are deafened with cries of: tfBut, Mother Coulter, I can't wear this — why, it's awful!