Loudspeaker (Jan-Aug 1931)

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Bro. Hermance, who took the picture of Bro. James Pointner that was used on the cover last month, wishes to rectify the error printed under it. He says that Jim did not sink that putt. ill Bro. Stanley Gray of the staff of the Breck Photoplay Supply Co. on Vermont just south of Washington Boulevard, is celebrating his seventh year of pleasant contact with that firm. He has called our attention to the fact that he has one of the new Knowles Rear Shutters on display and invites all the brothers to drop in and inspect it. i i i John Finn has been seriously ill for the last few weeks, and it may be several more before he will again be with us. A complete rest has been ordered for him, but we trust that at the end of the prescribed period he will be stronger than ever. 1 i i Bro. A1 Feinstein, our very capable circulation manager, has just returned from an extended tour a la motor car. On his trip he stopped in Sacramento, Oakland, San Francisco and San Jose. In all of these towns he was received with open arms by the projectionists. He also observed a marked trend toward real fraternalism and an almost universal interest in academic work. Bro, Feinstein predicts great things for the Society in the West. Mel Butler, maintenance man at the United Artists Theatre, San Francisco, had a tough time wiring a buzzer to the projection room door to act as a “boss alarm.” He said the work wasn’t so hard, but he had mislaid his wiring diagram and had to study it all out. i 1 i Chapter officers, take note. One of Chapter Seven’s most enjoyable meetings took place recently on the sands of the beach of the old Pacific. The wives were along and the order of business was hot dogs and coffee. A few of the most venturesome members took a plunge in the surf. But swimming at midnight never did appeal to me, besides it wasn’t Saturday night. i i i The popular member of Oakland Chapter No. 12, A. P. S., has become a Hollywood resident. His name is Geo. J. Lancaster. Bro. Lancaster is a cameraman and a member of Local No. 659. He is now engaged in shooting travel pictures with Tom Terris, the famous director. Every member of the Society joins in wishing him luck. When he becomes rich and famous we can say we knew him when .... i i i Bro. Hermance has accepted a position at the United Artists studio. He is better known, however, as the staff photographer of this publication. T <vc e nty -f o u r