Lubin Bulletin (November 4, 1915)

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THE LUBIN BULLETIN LUBIN FILMS Ethel Clayton IN The Orgy One-Act Drama Written by Dr. DANIEL CARSON GOODMAN Produced by JOSEPH KAUFMAN Released Monday, November 8th You’ll Never Marry Her Pemberton a middle-aged man of affairs, interested in the Study of hypnot- ism, has a ward, Nan Fuller, who is in love with his secretary, is againSt his ward marrying Stanton and pleads with her, but to no avail. Stanton also defies him. Pemberton is angered and one day, while reading a book on hypnotism, becomes imbued with the idea of getting his ward under a hypnotic influence and turning her againSt Stanton. Pemberton throws Nan under his hypnotic influence and she assails Stanton and denounces him. Stan- ton engages in a Struggle with Pemberton, who is heartbroken, and plots to Steal Nan away. Stanton writes a note telling Nan he believes she is under some vile influence and that he means to come and take her away and kill Pemberton if he interferes. Pemberton gets the note, lays in wait for the heart-broken fellow and when Stanton comes engages him in a Struggle. He is getting the better of Stanton when the chauffeur of Stanton’s machine, fearing harm to Stanton, leaves the car, Steals into the house, binds the ward who comes in at that moment, and levelling a revolver at Pemberton’s back, fires. It is at this point in the screen visualization that we see Nan coming up the outside Steps and into her guardian's room. We also see Pemberton with the book on Hypnotism in his hand, quite as we left him when this maddened reverie Struck him. He throws his arms around Nan, shows his happiness at finding her alive as well as himself and when young Stanton comes in, out of repentance for his imaginative villainy, Pemberton brings them together. CAST John Pemberton Nan — his ward . Stanton Nan’s servant Tough chauffeur .... Bernard Siegel Ethel Clayton . Francis Joyner James Humphrey Ferd O'Beck Length about 1,000 feet.