Lubin Bulletin (November 4, 1915)

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THE LUBIN BULLETIN LUBIN L. C. Shumway IN The Secret Room Two-Act Drama Written by JULIAN LOUIS LAMOTHE Produced by PAUL POWELL Released Wednesday, November 10th The Last Deal A jMOS LEE is a gambler; ! in his home, Fairview Manor, there is a secret underground room. Lee loses his home to I j Robert Duncan, a life- ♦“+ long enemy. Lee shoots himself and falls into the river. Mrs. Lee and her son, Arthur, are told the news. Arthur loves Dorothy, Duncan’s daughter. A few months pass. Duncan and Dorothy now live in Fairview Manor, where the ghoSt of Lee constantly appears before him. Arthur returns, his mother having died. Duncan threatens to shoot Arthur if he catches him with Dorothy. Arthur, however, goes to the Study with Dorothy to investi- gate her Story of the ghoSt. Duncan discovers them, and is about to fire at Arthur when the ghoSt appears. In his fright, Duncan overturns a lamp, and Fairview Manor burns to the ground. Arthur is missing, and the sheriff finding a ring bearing the Lee insignia in the ruins is convinced that Duncan killed Arthur. Duncan is arreSted. He maintains his innocence, declaring that the ghoSt of Lee attacked him. Dorothy goes to the ruins to investigate. She discoversan iron doorcovered withdebris.andopeningit, Arthur and Jasper Step forth. Dorothy leads them to the district attorney. Jasper explains matters. His master was not killed, but affedted by the wound, and would not go back until he could face his wife again. Learning that Mrs. Lee had been driven away, he resolved revenge upon Duncan. He entered the house at night, and led Jasper to the underground room. Lee took pleasure in haunting Duncan, and the night before had crept out for that purpose. During the fire, Jasper discovered Arthur, and led him to the underground room. The Sheriff shows Jasper the ring. Jasper says sadly, “ It’s Massa’s. He didn’t find his way back ! ” Arthur sits by in deep sorrow, and Duncan, moved by a sudden pity, holds out his hand. Urged by Dorothy, Arthur grasps it. CAST Amos Lee ..... Arthur Lee, his son Robert Duncan .... Dorothy, his daughter Jasper ...... District Attorney .... Melvin Mayo L. C. Shumway George Routh Velma Whitman Sidney Hayes Robert Gray Length about 2,000 feet.